national electricity plans

World Bank approves $750 Million loan to Support India’s Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Program

The World Bank Board has approved a $625 million loan to support the Government of India’s grid connected rooftop solar programme to generate clean energy. World Bank has also approved a co-financing loan of $120 million on concessional terms and a $5 million grant from Climate Investment Fund’s (CIF) Clean Technology Fund. The project will […]

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Indian Banks edgy, as Solar Companies fails to deliver

What could make Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s plans of capitalizing $100 billion of solar power from foreign investments edgy? Indeed, an In-Flow and Out-Flow leeway of Investment and Finance. The global renowned US Company, SunEdison standstill on at least $1.4 billion of loans and credit facilities, is seeking to sell as much as 1 gigawatt(GW) […]

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Imagine Roads Paved with Solar – France turns Head

Yes, there is a slew for alternative energy globally and solar energy is spelled as the best and acceptable alternative. But, imaging solar panels paved into the roads seems unimaginable. France has determined to alternate asphalt with solar panels as the French officials announces plans to construct a 1,000-kilometer-long (621-mile-long) solar roadway, with each kilometer capable […]

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