national electricity plans

Espy of Solar Sector 2017

The substratum of achieving massive solar power goals is developing a new cult for India. Not just the arid but the meadows are equally sharing rich and low vegetative lands to meet the power demand of this growing economy. It’s well said that when you change the controversy, challenge seem to be a submerged destiny. […]

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Elgin Energy Seeking Permission to Build a 100-Acre Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Park in Kilkenny

The project will also eliminate 300,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions in its whole operation lifespan of 30 years. In a slew of proposal applications to develop solar park, Elgin Energy’s application to build a huge 100-acre solar photovoltaic (PV) park in UK’s Kilkenny. The high inflow of applications has been considered as the major […]

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Efforts to Address Climate through Clean Energy Lag in Emerging Markets

Two years post-Paris, Climatescope research from Bloomberg New Energy Finance highlights slowing investment from OECD countries and limited policy-making follow-through in non-OECD nations. Two years since the signing of the Paris climate agreement and eight years after Copenhagen, countries on both sides of the rich-poor divide are falling short on promises made to address climate […]

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Investonomics on Indian Sun is Hot!

Today, solar power is not merely a power demand catalyst rather this sector preaches colossal economics in the world affairs. Clouds around solar sector have dynamically revolved as murmurs of its transient nature of solar power are eluded. Solar and wind projects in the country would attract USD 20 billion investment each year from next […]

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Bifacials Changing Face of The Solar Industry

As solar technology has improved over the last decade, the prices have dropped exponentially as module efficiency has advanced. In recent years, there’s been a growing concern that we are approaching an efficiency ceiling. Bifacial solar cells and modules are making a big comeback as the photovoltaic industry is looking for more ways to generate […]

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The demand for power is relentless. With technological advancements, mankind is now consuming more power to aggrandize their lifestyle. Many energy experts reckon initiatives like ‘Power for All’, ‘Digital India’ and ‘Smart Cities’ shall be reigned through only increasing and distributing reliable power needs. There has been a prolong discussion on the reliability, security and […]

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