national electricity plans

Importance of Using Storage with Increasing Renewable Energy

Background and Context The Government of India has announced ambitious targets for Renewable Energy (RE) capacity addition, and the Country is rapidly adding Wind and Solar generation in the energy mix. However, there are some well accepted issues associated with RE power – such as intermittency, fluctuations owing to weather changes, and limited forecasting/ scheduling […]

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Solving Permission Issues key to Post Pandemic Green Recovery in Italy: WindEurope

The European Union’s 2018 Renewable Energy Directive demands that the Member States simplify and shorten their permitting processes. Italy has the 5th largest amount of installed wind energy capacity in Europe. In its final 2030 National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), the country aims at almost doubling its installed wind power capacity. The NECP plans […]

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Plummeting Energy Demand to Result in Record Decline in Carbon Emissions: IEA

The COVID-19 pandemic represents the biggest shock to the global energy system with a 6 percent drop in global power demand predicted for this year. A new report has highlighted that the COVID-19 pandemic represents the biggest shock to the global energy system in more than seven decades, with the drop in demand this year […]

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Residential Solar. Market Yes, But Marketing?

Ashish Anand, a Chandigarh-based businessman reached out to us four months back. With an independent house in the city, he was keen to explore the idea of a solar rooftop for his house. As always, we put him in touch with relevant state sources, and for good measure, a couple of vendors who install solar […]

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Crashing Oil, Booming Solar. Possible?

While the slump in oil prices will have its own yet to be seen second, and third order effects, be it political stability in the middle east, or moves by the US and Russia to outflank each other, for India,  this is the opportunity that needs to be taken with both hands. The country has […]

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Brazil Faces Indefinite RE Auctions Delay of Over 51GW Due to Coronavirus

Amid the outbreak of Covid-19, the Brazilian government has postponed the national energy generation and transmission auctions of clean energy comprising more than 51 GW which were scheduled for May this year, for an indefinite time frame, said the report. This includes auctions both A-4 and A-6, as well as tenders for the transmission lines, […]

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Auctions Designed in Innovative Ways Can Help Achieve Specific Country Goals: Sukhwinder Pal Singh

One of the main trends to procure renewables-based electricity at the lowest price -while fulfilling other objectives- is the use of auctions. Auctions designed in innovative ways can help to achieve specific country goals, beyond solely procuring electricity at the lowest price. These goals might include ensuring greater participation of communities or other new and […]

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IRENA Invites RE Developers to Register Projects on Investment Platform

IRENA is calling for renewable energy project developers to register suitable projects via a purpose-built portal organised around 14 regional clusters. A landmark initiative launched by a coalition of intergovernmental partners during the UN Climate Action Summit in September 2019, has now entered an operational phase. The International Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA) contribution to the […]

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What India’s Large Storage Tender Means for Its Coal Thermal Sector

Coal, despite its stubborn persistence to the country’s energy needs, might have seen the beginning of the end. The lead indicator? Prices discovered in the largest ever renewable plus storage tender by SECI. In August 2019, SECI, the country’s primary nodal agency for renewable energy auctions and purchases came out with a huge tender. On […]

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