national electricity plans

EV Industry On The Road To Goal 2030

Dr Irfan Khan, Founder & CEO, eBikeGo   The Government wants India to be a 100% electric vehicle nation by the year 2030.  Under the new government plan, every car that is sold in India from 2030 will be electric. Due to the competitive environment in the market, India’s auto industry has become one of […]

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China’s Solar Dominance: How Key Consumer Markets Are Adapting

Governments across the globe are increasingly investing in various sources of new and renewable energy to reach their targets of either achieving carbon neutrality or reducing emissions considerably to help realise the goal of the Paris agreement – limiting the rise in global temperature below 2-degree celsius from pre-industrial levels. Solar power is one of […]

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Shining Bright. India’s Solar Start Ups

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Start Up India movement in 2015 on August 15, perhaps even he wouldn’t have imagined the role startups were going to play in India’s clean energy transition. After all, the energy sector, with its tremendous policy overhang, large capital commitments, and the need for a long term  perspective […]

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Understanding The $84 Billion Global Carbon Pricing Market

Global carbon pricing revenue in 2021 increased by almost 60 per cent from 2020 to around $84 billion, as per the latest “State and Trends of Carbon Pricing” report. The world needs funds to carry on with its efforts to shift to sustainable development, finance broader fiscal reforms, or invest in communities as part of […]

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What Are Climate Bonds?

According to the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates, limiting the global temperature increase to 2 degree Celsius, the goal of the Paris Agreement, will require about $3 trillion of investment every year to 2050. Raising such huge investments is a challenge. To tackle it, governments and corporations are increasingly turning to Climate […]

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SolarPower Europe Demands EU Windfall Measures to Target Actual Profits Only

Trade body SolarPower Europe has said that windfall revenue measures of power generators in Europe should target actual profits only and make an exemption for renewables that do not make windfall profits. It “should therefore not be subject to windfall measures,” it further added. The move comes even as energy prices across Europe test new […]

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Solar-Powered Electric Highways to Become Reality

To accelerate India’s transition to electric vehicles, the government plans to construct solar-powered electric highways that will allow buses and heavy-duty trucks to be charged. At a gathering hosted by the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (IACC), Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Nitin Gadkari reaffirmed the government’s plans to give India’s public transportation system […]

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Dramatic Solar Capacity Rise Across Asia; India’s Sprint Towards 2030 Goal

As per US electricity think tank Ember, solar power is expected to experience exponential growth across five of Asia’s biggest economies, positioning the region to become a global hub of solar power. Ember made the revelation after an analysis of existing national power sector development plans across China, Japan, Indonesia, India and the Philippines. Findings […]

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