national electricity plan

Retiring old Thermal Plants the 1st Hurdle in Reducing Discoms Debts: IEEFA

Discoms need to work with state governments to retire their old inefficient and expensive thermal power plants as the first step in reducing their debts A new report by IEEFA proposes recommendations to reduce financial and operational inefficiencies across India’s power distribution sector, which as of May 2020 had accumulated massive overdue payment liabilities of […]

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Floating Solar to Generate 900% More Electricity Across APAC: IEEFA

Asia leads Europe in deploying floating solar, also known as floating photovoltaic (FPV), a new IEEFA report finds. Energy finance analysts Sara Jane Ahmed and Elrika Hamdi at the Institute of Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) note that power demand in the Philippines and Malaysia has dropped by as much as 16 percent during the COVID-19 […]

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The Missing Element in the Proposed Electricity Act Reforms

India is the third largest producer and consumer of electricity worldwide. But it still has one of the lowest per capita power consumption (1,181 kWh) as compared to the world’s average per capita power consumption, which stands high at nearly 2,700 kWh. Because of this, our nation faces the challenge of ensuring sound financial health […]

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IEA Offers Sustainable Recovery Plan to Governments to Boost Economic Growth

IEA has outlined energy-focused policies and investments in a new Sustainable Recovery Plan to move the world towards a cleaner and more resilient future. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has, based on an analysis conducted in cooperation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), outlined energy-focused policies and investments in a new Sustainable Recovery Plan to […]

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AIPEF Appeals to the PM to put new Electricity Bill on Hold

AIPEF has appealed to the PM to put the draft Electricity Bill on hold as it is against the federal structure of the country wherein electricity is a concurrent subject The All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) has appealed to the prime minister to put the draft Electricity (Amendment) Bill on hold as it is against the federal structure […]

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Bengal Chief Minister Joins Building Chorus Against Electricity Act Amendments

The Electricity Act Amendment Bill (2020), slated for a possible introduction in the coming session of parliament, faced a predictable salvo yesterday. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamta Banejee termed its provisions ‘anti- federal’ and even ‘inhuman’ to be brought up at a time when the pandemic is raging. In a strongly-worded letter to Prime Minister […]

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West Bengal Seeking EPC Contractors for 125 MW Solar Power Plant

WBSEDCL has issued an EOI for engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of the 125 MW phase-1 of solar park project in West Bengal. The West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company (WBSEDCL) has issued an Expression of Interest (EOI) for the participation of the EPC contractor to express interest through e -tendering for “engineering, procurement and […]

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RK Singh Unveils Real Time Market in Electricity; India Now in Few Global Markets

Power and New & Renewable Energy Minister RK Singh have launched the pan-India Real-Time Market (RTM) in electricity, placing India amongst a league of few electricity markets in the world having such system. RK Singh has launched the RTM through video conference in New Delhi, on Wednesday. On explaining the significance of the RTM, RK […]

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Siemens Gamesa Confirms Order for 496 MW Offshore Wind Plant

Siemens Gamesa has received the firm order for 62 of its 8 MW turbines for the 496 MW Bay of Saint Brieuc offshore wind power plant in France. Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has received the firm order from Ailes Marine, an affiliate of Iberdrola, for 62 SG 8.0-167 DD offshore wind turbines for 496 MW […]

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