li ion batteries

TU Graz researchers developing solar cell + battery hybrid

The SolaBat project backed by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), is entering into almost new research territory. A research team, led by Illie Hanzu from TU Graz’s Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Materials, is making battery and solar cell hybrid out of two single systems which will not only be able to convert […]

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Redflow launches home solar storage battery ZCell to take on Tesla and Panasonic

Australia based battery developer Redflow has launched its first residential energy storage solution named ZCell made from easily recyclable and reusable components. Redflow‘s ZCell battery unlike its competitors, does not use lithium and is more recyclable than its competitors. It can store 10 kilowatt hours (kWh) of energy which will let users ‘timeshift’ solar power […]

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Canadian Northern Territory aims to Operate Completely on Solar

Canada is in vigorous search for alternatives sources to deviate itself from fossils fuels. Colville Lake situated in the Sahtu Region of the Northwest Territories of Canada is known to have successfully prototyped a system of batteries and solar panels that will leverage the entire community to run on sun’s energy; at least in the […]

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Headway to Solar Energy Storage

Researches are significantly focusing to discover better approaches to store energy created by solar PV frameworks. There are various batteries available that can store sunlight based energy, however even the most innovative ones are genuinely wasteful; they’re costly and have a really short time span of usability, making them not the most alluring choices for […]

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