
KPI Green Gets Rs 686 Crore Credit Facilities For Kutch Solar project

KPI Green Energy has received a final sanction letter for credit facilities amounting to Rs. 686 Crores for the development of a 200 MWAC (240 MWDC) Solar Photovoltaic Power Project in Khavda, Kutch District. According to a regulatory filing by the company, it had earlier raised Rs. 300 Crores through a Qualified Institutional Placement (QIP), []

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ENGIE Signs PPA for 200 MW Solar PV Project With GUVNL

ENGIE, a leader in low-carbon energy solutions, has announced the signing of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for a 200 MW Solar Photovoltaic (PV) project. This project is part of Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limiteds (GUVNL) larger project encompassing 1,125 MW grid-connected Solar PV power projects, to be established within the Gujarat State Electricity Corporations Renewable []

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JSW Energy Signs PPAs for 1,325 MW of Renewable Energy Projects

JSW Neo Energy Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of JSW Energy Limited, has made significant strides in its renewable energy expansion. The company has signed Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) through its subsidiaries for wind and solar projects with a cumulative capacity of 1,325 MW. This includes 1,025 MW with Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited []

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China Flexes Solar Muscle (Again) With 5 GW Project Commissioning

Lest their be any doubt over Chinas absolute dominance and leadership in the renewable energy space, especially solar power, the Country reminded the world with a mammoth 5 GW project it commissioned earlier this month. The worlds largest solar project is a massive 5GW solar park in the north-west of the Xinjiang region that covers []

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Avaada, Apraava, ReNew & JSW Bag NTPCs 1.5 GW Solar Contract

Indian power behemoth NTPC recently awarded the contracts to four developers to setup its 1,500 MW of solar project. The Indian Renewable Energy Implementing Agency recently announced the results of its tender, floated earlier. The tender was meant for Inter-State Transmission System (ISTS) through these new proposed solar projects. Based on the reverse competitive bidding, []

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Vikram Solar Bags 397.7 MWp Module Order From NTPC

The planned 30 GW solar park at Khavda, Gujarat is clearly going to be in the news for a long time. The latest is a significant project win for leading solar module maker Vikram Solar which has secured a landmark 397.7 MWp module supply order for NTPC Renewable Energy Limited. Vikram Solars modules will power []

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The Renewable Energy Developers Whose Plans Will Shape Indias Solar Targets

India reached a notable milestone in renewable energy by adding a record-breaking 18.48 GW in 2023-24, a 21 per cent increase from the previous year. As of March 31, 2024, Indias installed renewable energy capacity stood at 143.64 GW, excluding large hydropower projects. The country needs an annual addition of at least 50 GW for []

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Adani Green Secures USD 400 Mn For 750 MW Power Projects

Adani Green Energy Ltd (AGEL) has announced USD 400 million in financing for its under-construction projects. Through this financing, the company extends support to its under-construction 750 MW solar projects in Rajasthan and Gujarat by a consortium of five leading international banks. The consortium of lenders is financing Adanis projects that are expected to come online from []

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Vikram Solar Bags 250 MW Module Order From GIPCL

Leading module manufacturing firm Vikram Solar, has announce a significant a 250 MW order win from Gujarat Industries Power Company Limited (GIPCL). The company has successfully received the Letter of Intent (LoI). The sizeable order is a welcome sign of rising demand for one the oldest firms in the solar manufacturing sector The modules to []

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