
What Solar Panels Do at Night?

Sun is the prime source wherein solar panels efficiently convert sunlight into electricity. But why can’t solar panels gleefully generate electricity at night. Righto! The designing and technology of solar panels have been developed to work with sun. Few experts argue that Moonlight can be used to power PV cells at cost of 345:1. That […]

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INDIA Marches Ahead

As 2017 comes to an end, it is worth taking a holistic look at the Indian solar market to analyze key trends, challenges and outlook. By many accounts, the Indian solar power industry is on a roll. According to a report released by consulting firm Bridge to India, India is expected to reach an installed […]

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HEEDING the Call for CYBER SECURITY in Renewable Energy

This is a challenge, but even more so, it is an opportunity to advance the collective technologies towards the attainment of solar cyber security worldwide. In 2012, a computer virus, dubbed Stuxnet, disabled 1000 of Iran’s 5000 centrifuges, detailing a joint US-Israel cyber security attack on Iran that undermined its nuclear enrichment facilities. In 2014, Unit […]

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Sustainable Solvent Platform for Photon Upconversion Increases Solar Utilization Efficiency

In an effort to obtain a solution to this problem and make solar energy conversion more efficient, the process of converting photons with lower energies into ones with higher energies, called photon upconversion, was developed. The conversion of solar energy into electricity is currently restricted by a concept known as the Shockley-Quesser limit. This limitation […]

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India’s Renewable Energy Push if Implemented Properly Could Mean a Lot of Jobs

India’s renewable energy push could help tackle poverty in rural communities by providing steady incomes, healthcare benefits, and skill-building opportunities to unskilled and semi-skilled workers. India’s renewable energy push if implemented properly could do more than just slow down global warming. It could help pull millions out of poverty, especially in rural communities. According to […]

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World’s Largest Floating Solar Power Plant to Be Built in Indonesia by UAE’s Masdar and PJB

The plant to be built in about 225 hectares of the Cirata hydroelectric plant reservoir. United Arab Emirates based company Abu Dhabi Future Energy Co (Masdar) and Indonesian power utility’s unit Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB) collaborated to build the ‘To Be’ world’s biggest floating photovoltaic plant of 200MW in PJB owned […]

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A 24MW Floating Solar Power Plant in Tuticorin to Be Setup By SPIC

EDAC Engineering will be responsible to provide support for construction of the floating solar power plant. The Southern India Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) announced during a conference on ‘Climate change mitigation in manufacturing industries’, to set up a 24MW floating solar power plant to be built by Southern Petrochemical Industries Corporation (SPIC), a […]

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Hydrogen Fuel for Cars One Step Closer to Reality

The technology, described in a paper in the journal Energy Storage Materials, could be especially useful in rural areas, or to military units serving in remote locations. Researchers at University of California, Los Angeles have designed a device that can use solar energy to inexpensively and efficiently create and store energy, which could be used […]

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India’s Clean Energy Sector Aims To Generate 330,000 New Jobs: Report

The Union Government is planning to set up 160,000 Megawatt (Mw) of fresh renewable energy generation capacity in the five years between 2017 and 2022. More than 330,000 new jobs are likely to be generated from India’s growing renewable energy sector over the next five years, according to US-based global research organisation World Resources Institute […]

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