
UK Might Mfg Magnets Used in EVs, Turbines to Cut Reliance on China

The UK could revive domestic production of super strong magnets used in electric vehicles and wind turbines with government support, to cut its reliance on China and achieve vital cuts in carbon emissions, according to media reports. A government-funded feasibility study, which was due to be published today, lays out the steps Britain must take […]

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Global Alliance Launches at COP26 to Boost RE in Developing Economies

The new Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP) will be launched today at COP26 to accelerate investment in green energy transitions and renewable power solutions in developing and emerging economies worldwide. Over the next decade, the Alliance aims to unlock USD100 billion in public and private capital and tackle three problems: (1) POWER […]

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European Energy Exits 3 Wind Farms in Lithuania

Danish renewable energy developer and financier European Energy has signed an agreement to sell three wind farms in Lithuania with the total capacity of 185.5 MW to a Lithuanian firm. The agreement is expected to be closed by November end. The wind farms are under construction and consist of a total of 34 GE 158-5.5 […]

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56% Solar Projects Planned for 2022 at Risk due to Mfg Cost Hike: Rystad

The earliest estimates on the impact of price volatility and rising costs on solar projects worldwide are finally coming out, and the news is not good. The surging cost of manufacturing materials and shipping could threaten 50 gigawatts (GW) – a staggering 56% – of the 90 GW of global utility PV developments planned for […]

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India Vows to Take up Climate Justice Combat at COP26

India will be a fighter for climate justice at the upcoming COP26 summit, seeking to make rich nations pay for measures to ease rising temperatures, the country’s Environment Minister said yesterday. And the world’s third-biggest source of greenhouse gases is not yet guaranteeing that it will offer new mitigation efforts at the crucial conference which […]

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Singapore Plans Electricity Imports to Boost Security, Diversify Supply

Singapore plans to import up to 4 gigawatts (GW) of low-carbon electricity by 2035, or about 30% of its total supply, trade and industry Minister Gan Kim Yong said on Monday, to diversify supply and boost energy security. The Asian city-state will start with trials to resolve technical and regulatory issues over cross-border power trading, […]

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Replace DG Sets with BESS to Enhance Indian Pwr Grid’s Flexibilty: Study

“Replacement of DG sets distributed across the country with BESS is the fastest and cheapest route to build flexibility for the Indian grid. The reduction in emissions from DG sets will help meet the NDC targets as well,” states a new study published by India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF). Delivering reliable 24×7 services is the […]

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ISA and Bloomberg Philanthropies In Partnership for $1 Trillion Target

Bloomberg Philanthropies and the International Solar Alliance (ISA) have partnered to mobilise $1 trillion in global investments for solar energy across ISA’s member countries. The two organizations will kick off the partnership by working with World Resources Institute (WRI) to develop a Solar Investment Action Agenda and a Solar Investment Roadmap, which will be launched at COP26 and in […]

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Pole-mounted EV Charging Stations Set up in Kerala

The Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) is going in for ‘pole-mounted charging stations’ for electric vehicles in a big way. To be launched with 10 charging stations mounted on electricity poles in Kozhikode city, Kerala, on Saturday, the programme will be extended to other parts of the State with 1,000 units in Phase II. The […]

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