hydrogen energy

Nedstack, Providence to Co-Develop Hydrogen Based Soln to offer Affordable Solar Power

With an aim to offer affordable solar power around the clock, Sydney based innovation firm Providence Asset Group (Providence) and fuel cell manufacturer Nedstack have entered into a strategic partnership agreement to co-develop and deliver hydrogen-based power-to-power solutions for the Australian and Pacific region solar market. Both companies are also looking for the potential to […]

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NTPC Issues Global EOI For Hydrogen Fuel Bus and Car project

NTPC Ltd, India’s largest power producer and a central PSU under the Ministry of Power has invited Global Expression of Interest (EoI) to provide 10 Hydrogen Fuel Cell (FC) based electric buses and an equal number of Hydrogen Fuel Cell based electric cars in Leh and Delhi. The EoI has been issued by NTPC’s wholly-owned […]

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Renewable Energy can Support Resilient and Equitable Recovery: IRENA

Advancing the renewable-based energy transformation is an opportunity to meet international climate goals while boosting economic growth, IRENA has revealed. Advancing the renewable-based energy transformation is an opportunity to meet international climate goals while boosting economic growth, creating millions of jobs and improving human welfare by 2050, the first Global Renewables Outlook released by the […]

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HyperSolar Accelerates Production of Renewable Solar Hydrogen Panels With new Tie-up

HyperSolar is working with Suzhou GH to make the final modifications to the solar cells required to manufacture the Gen 1 hydrogen production panels HyperSolar Inc, the developer of a breakthrough technology to produce renewable hydrogen using sunlight and water, has announced that it is working with Suzhou GH New Energy, a division of GCL […]

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Wind Energy – The Struggling Pillar of the European Green Deal: WindEurope

Wind is a natural pillar of the European Green Deal, but the sector is struggling and Europe is at risk of losing its global leadership on wind energy. When launching the European Green Deal in December President von der Leyen described it as the EU’s new growth strategy. The Industrial Strategy to be launched by […]

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Renewable Energy Industry Must Face up to new Realities: Willis Towers

Willis Towers Watson has identified several new realities that the renewable energy industry needs to face up to at the beginning of the new decade. Willis Towers Watson, a leading global advisory, broking and solutions company, today launched its inaugural Renewable Energy Market Review for 2020. The Review identifies several new realities that the industry […]

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Indian Railways Ready to Launch Hydrogen-Powered Trains: Piyush Goyal

Indian Railways is working on the development of a Hydrogen-powered suburban train and has floated an EoI for industry participation, Piyush Goyal has said. Indian Railways is working on the development of a Hydrogen-powered suburban train and has floated an Expression of Interest for industry participation, Union Minister for Railways and Commerce Piyush Goyal has […]

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IIT-M Develops Eco-Friendly way for Hydrogen Generation From Seawater

Researchers from IIT-M have developed a technology that can be used to generate hydrogen fuel from seawater in an eco-friendly way Researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M) have developed a technology that can be used to generate hydrogen fuel from seawater, an advance that may contribute to a cleaner energy future. Using this technology, described […]

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Energy Transformation can Employ 40 mn People in Renewables: Report

The renewables sector could employ more than 40 million people by 2050 under IRENA’s climate-safe energy path, according to a new report. The renewables sector could employ more than 40 million people by 2050 under the International Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA) climate-safe energy path, according to a new report published by the Agency during its […]

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