hydrogen energy

Engie EPS Unveils Hydrogen-Based Energy Storage System in Greece

Engie EPS has unveiled its hydrogen-based energy storage system built with its proprietary technology in Greece. Engie EPS, has announced the unveiling of the hydrogen-based energy storage system built with its proprietary technology in Agkistro, Greece. The Agkistro site, presented in October in an event attended by numerous representatives of Greek authorities and of the […]

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The Green Hydrogen Wave, And Its Implications for Renewable Energy

A report this week from Wood Mackenzie says green hydrogen costs will fall by up to 64% by 2040. Those numbers are broadly in line with what many other experts have been predicting, though many have predicted competitiveness as early as 2030. However, seen another way, those numbers simply show just how far green hydrogen […]

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Hydrogen Could Play a Central Role in Global Energy Transition: IRENA

Hydrogen from renewable energy could play a central role in the global energy transition, the latest report by IRENA finds. Hydrogen from renewable energy could play a central role in the global energy transition, the latest report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) finds. ‘Hydrogen: a renewable energy perspective’ estimates that hydrogen from renewable […]

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Global Action Needed to Scale Up Hydrogen For a Clean & Secure Energy Future

The world has an important opportunity to tap into the vast potential of hydrogen to become a critical part of a more sustainable and secure energy future, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has revealed in a major new report. The in-depth study, which analyses hydrogen’s current state of play and offers guidance on its future […]

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IRENA Report on Hydrogen from Renewable Power: Technology Outlook for the Energy Transition

As the world strives to cut carbon emissions, electric power from renewables has emerged as a vital energy source. Yet transport and industry will still require combustible fuels for many purposes. Such needs could be met with hydrogen, which itself can be produced using renewable power. Hydrogen provides high-grade heat, helping to meet a range […]

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Toyota Installs SimpleFuel Station to its Plant, Generating Hydrogen Fuel using Solar Energy

Toyota has announced that it has newly introduced SimpleFuel to its Motomachi Plant in Toyota City, an electrolysis-based machine for hydrogen generation and filling that can produce, store, and supply hydrogen by making use of electricity generated from solar power. SimpleFuel is a product of and jointly manufactured by IVYS Energy Solutions and PDC Machines […]

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SNEC 2019 PV Power & Energy Storage and Hydrogen Expos to be Held in June

SNEC 13th (2019) PV Power Expo & Conference and the 2019 International Energy Storage and Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Exhibition and Conference (Energy Storage and Hydrogen Expo and Conference) will be held on June 3-6, 2019, in Shanghai, China. The two events were announced at the inaugural Solar Power Mexico (SPM). The event was organised […]

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Wind Energy and Hydrogen Can Work Together For a Cleaner Europe 

WindEurope recently hosted a workshop exploring the wind energy’s potential to decarbonize industries that are resource and energy-intensive – with a focus on hydrogen. Speakers included the IEA, the European Commission, the hydrogen sector, wind energy sector representatives and sectoral trade organizations. Late last year, the European Commission presented its strategic long-term vision for a […]

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Climate Change vs Solar Energy: The Battle Within

Decades ago, global warming and associated climate change had prompted the world to take some serious measures, such as curbing GHG emissions and trapping pollutants. Today, the surge of renewable energy, especially solar and wind energy, is now promising the sustainable future the world once dreamed about. However, climate change has also become profound, leading […]

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