how to install solar panels

Ready, Set, Go: India’s Solar Manufacturing Ambitions Are Flying

For India’s solar sector and its many entrepreneurs, all signals are finally green. Or so it would seem. Be it progress on manufacturing plans, including the all important backward integration, exports, and of course, a strong domestic market for their output. Everything has come together for the many firms and entrepreneurs who will hope for […]

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Water-Scarce Rajasthan Poses New Challenges For Solar Pumps

By-Parul Kulshrestha  As temperatures rose in June this year, Jaman Singh Saini, a 69-year-old farmer from Badangarh village in Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan, was irrigating his 31-acre farmland of millets, using an electric pump which came with its own challenges – erratic electricity supply, voltage fluctuation and associated costs. About 10 years ago, in 2013, […]

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US Coalition of Green Orgs Call For Solartop On Canals

A recent vision document was released by the coalition of environmental justice and conservation organizations in the USA. The document suggested placing solar panels over canals to generate power and to reduce evaporation. This, it claims would deliver reduce the loss in evaporation from drought caused by climate change. In addition to this, they launched […]

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MeyerBurger Snaps Up €200 Million From EU Innovation Fund For 3.5 GW Solar Manufacturing

Meyer Burger Technology AG, through its group company Meyer Burger (Industries) GmbH, submitted a funding application for EUR 200 million in the EU-wide selection process of the European Innovation Fund in March 2023. The project “HOPE” (High-efficiency Onshore PV module production in Europe) submitted by Meyer Burger has prevailed as eligible for funding, the EU […]

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Five Reasons That Make Agrisolar Significant To The World

Agrivoltaics refers to the simultaneous use of land for agriculture and photovoltaic (PV) power generation. It is great idea for a country like India, where over 60% of land is employed for agriculture, and the  scarcity of land is a persistent problem thanks to an expanding population and urbanisation. Agrivoltaics offer a promising prospect in […]

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Amplus Solar Signs $3.2 Million Deal with AirTouch for Robotic Cleaning

Amplus Solar, a distributed energy firm that provides low-carbon clean energy solutions to commercial and industrial customers, has entered into an agreement with AirTouch Solar. The deal is valued at $3.2 million. AirTouch Solar is an Israel-based firm that offers water-free, robotic cleaning system for solar panels. The agreement will pave the way for AirTouch […]

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1 Terawatt and Beyond: Solar Energy’s Unstoppable Rise and What Lies Ahead

Solar has come a long way in the last few years, from over 100,000 megawatts in 2012 to one terawatt now (1 terawatt is 1 million megawatts). So, what spurred this development? What were the factors that facilitated the achievement of this feat? We’ll be going over humanity’s journey to 1 TW of installed capacity […]

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