how to install solar panels

The Dark Truth of QCA: Who is Paying Whose Penalty?

By Abhk Kumar Das, Del2infinity Energy Consulting The solar and wind power generation shows a promising future in India. But due to the variability and intermittency, large scale renewable energy penetration in existing grid is a challenge and the proper policy and regulatory mechanisms, technological solutions and institutional structures are key issues in solar and […]

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‘Green Initiative’: NER to Look Out For Energy Substitutes

As indicated by railway authorities, at the show, they are paying Rs 7 for a unit, however, once the solar power unit gets utilitarian. Under its ‘Green Initiatives’ drive, the North Eastern Railway is good to go to change from customary wellspring of energy to elective vitality by setting up solar power units on the […]

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Investing Renewables Infesting Fossils

Renewable Energy Sector as a Future Investment Model With increasing technological advancements, renewable energies are having a significant impact. Renewable energy is becoming increasingly viable, a trend that could potentially be a game-changer for investors, particularly large scale, global investors. The International Energy Agency projected that renewable energy will continue to grow by 42 percent […]

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Operation & Maintenance Testing Equipments

Globally, we now have a total of 305GW of solar power installed, up from around 50GW in 2010 and virtually nothing at the turn of the millennium. The experts have termed this growth “very significant” and have spoken briefly on the need to have solar power as an important measure for the world to meet […]

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HEEDING the Call for CYBER SECURITY in Renewable Energy

This is a challenge, but even more so, it is an opportunity to advance the collective technologies towards the attainment of solar cyber security worldwide. In 2012, a computer virus, dubbed Stuxnet, disabled 1000 of Iran’s 5000 centrifuges, detailing a joint US-Israel cyber security attack on Iran that undermined its nuclear enrichment facilities. In 2014, Unit […]

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Investments in Renewable Energy Sector Could Hit $11T By 2040

India and China lead the development in renewable energy investments, accounting for almost 50 percent of new global capacity. Investments in renewable energy (RE) could climb to a cumulative $11 trillion by 2040, mostly in emerging markets, according to a study by the International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group. Major reforms […]

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Head to Head: PERC or Mono Half-Cell

These innovative new technologies for solar PV systems have the potential to further boost power output and reduce overall costs. The technology of Passivated Emitter and Rear Cells (PERC) originated in 1990s and since then monocrystalline PERC has become increasingly popular due to its great efficiency. On the other hand, Half-cut solar cells are part […]

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Grid Management – Re-Balancing Power Generation

Power sector in India has witnessed tremendous growth in its energy demand, generation capacity, transmission and distribution networks. Renewable energy generation in India has been steadily on rise. With 175GW target of clean energy, it became necessary to have a grid that was highly adaptive (in terms of supply and demand). A good electric supply […]

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The demand for power is relentless. With technological advancements, mankind is now consuming more power to aggrandize their lifestyle. Many energy experts reckon initiatives like ‘Power for All’, ‘Digital India’ and ‘Smart Cities’ shall be reigned through only increasing and distributing reliable power needs. There has been a prolong discussion on the reliability, security and […]

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