
Half of India’s energy capacity will be from non-fossil fuel sources in 10 years

If India achieves its target to install 175 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2022 — as committed under the 2015 Paris Agreement — it will not need to install, at least until 2027, any more coal-fired capacity than the 50 GW currently under construction. Non-fossil fuels — renewables, nuclear and large hydroelectric power plants […]

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Solar Cell-Process, Position and Bazaar

Solar cell or photovoltaic (PV) cell is a semiconductor material, which combines some properties of both metals and insulators making it uniquely capable of converting light into electricity. When light is absorbed by a semiconductor, photons of light can transfer their energy to electrons, allowing the electrons to flow through the material as electrical current. […]

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Flex Launches Renewable Energy Storage Solution

The Flex renewable energy storage solutions is a versatile, standardized energy storage platform for utility, commercial and industrial users Flex has expanded its contributions to the renewable energy industry with the introduction of energy storage solutions to address the challenge of integrating solar and wind power into the energy grid. Advanced Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) […]

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Secondary Solar Market in India

with the rise of the solar market, there has been a constant pressure on Indian developers to churn their capital.  To minimize the pressure the developers are laying the foundation for the advent of the secondary market for solar assets by shopping their rapidly growing solar projects to prospective investors. The merger and acquisition (M&A) […]

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SOVA SOLAR Gripping the mainstream of Indian Solar Industry

“ To take our manufacturing excellence to the next level we have completely automated our manufacturing facility in January. This will help us to provide world-class PV modules within a reduced timeline and higher efficiency. We aim to achieve 1 GW manufacturing capacity by 2018. The company has also announced new international EPC venture in […]

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Scientists build solar-powered device that can harvest water from dry air

The solar-powered harvester, which can work in conditions as low as 20 per cent humidity, was constructed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US In a breakthrough, scientists have developed a new system that can harvest litres of water from the air everyday using just ambient sunlight, even in dry or desert […]

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VIZ-A-VIZ with Alex Au, CTO, NEXTracker

“While India tenders for storage + PV projects are beginning to take root after a year or so of fits and starts, NEXTracker has been building a solid foundation of brain power and boots on the ground staff in our Hyderabad office from design engineers, product and project managers. We look forward to enhancing India’s […]

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VIZ-A-VIZ with HARTEK SINGH, Chairman & Managing Director | Hartek Group

Q. FM Arun Jaitely in presenting Budget for 2017 announced decrease in customs duty on solar energy panels. What type of impact do you see in the solar industry, will this year witness strong development of solar projects in the country? Does the budget looks sunny for the EPC players? The basic customs duty on […]

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FireFlower Alternative Energy and Janco Completes Rooftop Solar Project

Janco enlisted the expertise of FireFlower Alternative Energy to research, design, and implement construction of the rooftop solar project FireFlower Alternative Energy has partnered with Janco Development to build a sizeable rooftop solar array at Cordage Commerce Center atop one of its historic mill buildings located at 10 Cordage Park Circle in Plymouth.  The solar […]

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