green term ahead market

Anti-Dumping & Safeguard Duty: A Battle Still Remain to be Fought on the Ground

Inspite of, the Directorate General of Anti-Dumping (DGAD) has recently terminated the anti-dumping probe on import of solar cells and modules from China, Taiwan and Malaysia on the back of current petition withdrawn by the Indian Solar Manufacturers Association (ISMA) itself in March FY18. There’s still a journey of rocky road ahead to be travelled […]

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NEXTracker Successfully Delivers 754 MW Solar Trackers to Villanueva PV Proj in Mexico

The 754 megawatts (MW) of solar trackers once operational, will generate enough energy to supply 1.3 million households and offset more than 780,000 tons of carbon emissions yearly. NEXTracker, a Flex company, has successfully delivered 754 megawatts (MW) of solar trackers to the Villanueva solar project—the largest solar facility in the Americas, located in Torreón, Mexico. […]

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Forecasting to mitigate back-down

Unlike other renewable energy rich countries where grid management is for the purpose of energy management, the grid management in India actually targets to solve the capacity management problem. The power market structure of India is comparatively complex unlike other countries and with the penetration of massive variable renewable energy like wind and solar, the […]

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Gigawatt of Storage in 2018?

From a Gigawatt dream storing capacity to watt-hour storage, through decades the glorified history of technology is meekly stored with the wonk of storage development. The interdependency to make solar power modus operandi is the associated technology which can store the continuous flow of electricity and deliver it diligently on the time of respective requirement. […]

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Grid Management – Re-Balancing Power Generation

Power sector in India has witnessed tremendous growth in its energy demand, generation capacity, transmission and distribution networks. Renewable energy generation in India has been steadily on rise. With 175GW target of clean energy, it became necessary to have a grid that was highly adaptive (in terms of supply and demand). A good electric supply […]

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Key technology trends shaping the Global Solar Industry

Innovation in Finance When asked about the direction of innovation in financing for clean energy Manish Chaurasia, Managing Director, Tata Cleantech Capital Ltd. (TCCL) said, there is a lot of innovation happening in clean energy financing on a global scale. From securitization of assets to setting up of yield to monetize and plough back capital, […]

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How Solar Won The Dirty Game?

Who would ever expect a country with generations naively leaned towards fossil fuels and struggling to lighten up their houses will be blessed with solar power. Sounding like intercession, today, a livelihood is well upholstered to arrogate a technology-driven life. Apparently, the black smut coal field where nourishment of human-kind was painted black has open-armed […]

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Fate of Paris Climate Accord

“WE’RE GETTING OUT.” These were the words that made headlines in the entire world, and were used specifically by the US President Donald Trump to signify America’s exist from the Paris Climate Agreement. The Republican Party Premier cited a number of negative statistics about the predicted economic impact from the climate deal, including a $3 […]

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VIZ-A-VIZ ANDREW HINES, Business Development Head – South India, CleanMax Solar

Rooftop projects are taking the ramp and opening new avenues for solar rooftop players. This sector is no more in silos with players like CleanMax Solar are popping new stratagem to spur this segment. Notching recent accolades from MNRE and other prime consultancies, CleanMax have perennially catered to affluent MNCs and corporates. The recent 30MW […]

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