green energy

Sungevity Installs Sunpreme Bifacial PV Panels at University of California, Berkeley’s Jacobs Institute

Sungevity has announced that it has Installed Sunpreme Bifacial PV Panels at Jacobs Hall in University of California, Berkeley’s Jacobs Institute. The new solar system with Sunpreme Bifacial PV panels will do more than just help the Institute control its electricity bills — it will provide environmental benefit of having PV solar installed and is […]

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US and India announces creation of a $20 million USICEF initiative

The United States welcomed the launch of the International Solar Alliance (ISA), recognizes the critical role it can play in the development and deployment of solar power, and intends pursuing membership in the ISA. To further strengthen ISA together, US and India will jointly launch the third Initiative of the ISA which will focus on […]

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Daimler India augments solar power production capacity at its Chennai plant

Daimler India Commercial Vehicles (DICV), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Daimler AG made additions to photovoltaic installations at its Oragadam Plant, near Chennai. With the addition of photovoltaic installation to the existing solar plant, the overall technical capacity has increased from 0.8 to 3.3 megawatts. The plant consists of over 10,000 solar panels. With this upgrade […]

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MNRE invites comments on White LED (W-LED) based ‘Solar Study Lamp’ Specifications

MNRE has invited comments on White LED (W-LED) based Solar Study Lamp specifications. Point wise comments can be sent by 19th June, 2016 to Sh. Tarun Singh, Scientist-C through [email protected]. The specifications are placed for information of stake holders. Solar Study Lamp consists of a PV module, battery, lamp, and electronics. Battery, lamp, and electronics […]

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Delhi Solar Policy

Delhi Solar Policy Updates 2017 Delhi Solar Policy 2016 released by the Delhi state government applicable for the period, 2016-2020. Promotion for investment climate enabling multiple financial models is the primary focus of the policy. With the major focus on self-owned Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) to third-party owned Renewable Energy Service Company (RESCO) models applied to […]

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UNSW engineers set a new world record in solar cell efficiency

Engineers at the University of New South Wales have developed a new solar cell configuration that is 34.5 percent efficient at converting unfocused sunlight into electricity. The new solar cell is 44 percent better than the previous record – made by Alta Devices of the USA, which reached 24% efficiency with a larger solar array. […]

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World Bank approves $750 Million loan to Support India’s Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Program

The World Bank Board has approved a $625 million loan to support the Government of India’s grid connected rooftop solar programme to generate clean energy. World Bank has also approved a co-financing loan of $120 million on concessional terms and a $5 million grant from Climate Investment Fund’s (CIF) Clean Technology Fund. The project will […]

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Delhi College to lighten its surrounding with solar power

Delhi University’s Dyal Singh College has always aspired to make campus Green and Clean. In its latest initiative the collage has installed l00kWp Solar Power Panel on its rooftop which will partly meet the requirement of the college and surplus on certain days will be sold out to BSES, so that it can be diverted […]

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