green energy

Climate Change Affecting India’s Wind Power Generation: Study

Increased warming in the Indian Ocean and the resultant weakening of the Indian summer monsoon may come in the way of India’s goal of leading the world’s wind power generation. The potential electricity production has reduced by about 13% in the past 40 years Researchers from Harvard University, US, and National Climate Center in Beijing, […]

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Tata Power-DDL Sensitizing Over 1 Million Consumers to Make ‘Earth Hour’ a Success

Tata Power Delhi Distribution (Tata Power-DDL), is sensitizing over 1 million consumers to join WWF’s global campaign for raising awareness on climate change issues – ‘Earth Hour’. ‘Earth Hour’ will be observed worldwide on Saturday, March 30, wherein people and institutions from across the world will switch off their electrical appliances and non-essential lighting for […]

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China’s Target of 20% Renewables by 2030, Considerably Harder

Tripling the share of non-fossil fuels will require a major overhaul of China’s recalcitrant power sector and the full deployment of a fledgling emissions trading system, they said in the journal Nature Communications.  China can easily meet its Paris climate pledge to peak its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, but sourcing 20 percent of its energy […]

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China Cuts Electric Vehicle Subsidies To Push Innovation

After a huge spike in sales of electric vehicles, China has announced plans to reduce subsidies for electric vehicles sold in the country. China said it’s scaling back subsidies on electric vehicles to encourage local manufacturers to rely on innovation rather than government assistance as the industry matures and costs fall. However, the cuts were […]

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Tata Power Solar Launches Solar Rooftop Solutions in Jaipur

TATA Power Solar has launched its solar rooftop solutions in Rajasthan’s capital city of Jaipur After the successful launch of residential rooftop solution in Delhi, Mumbai, Bhubaneswar, Bengaluru, Chennai, Guwahati, Jamshedpur and Kolkata, Tata Power has launched its rooftop solar solutions in the pink city of Rajasthan-Jaipur. The event was inaugurated by Mr. Suman Chandrawat, […]

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Renewable Push: India To Launch Transmission Line Tenders Worth $5 Billion

According to MNRE official, India will float Transmission line tenders worth $5 billion starting from June this year According to agency reports, India plans to launch $5 billion of transmission-line tenders in phases, beginning in June this year. The move is aimed to route a targeted 175 GW of power from renewable sources into the […]

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JinkoSolar: A Big Jump in Sales and Margin in 2018

Chinese Solar module manufacturing giant JinkoSolar has reported a sizeable jump in its shipments and margins in 2018. The news was revealed in the company’s 2018 financial results, published March 22. For 2018 on a consolidated basis across its business, JinkoSolar posted a module shipment of 11.4GW in 2018 — a 16 percent increase from the previous year, […]

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South Korea Unlikely to Meet 2030 Renewables Target : WoodMac

South Korea is unlikely to meet its 2030 renewables target, according to consultancy firm Wood Mackenzie. According to the consultancy’s analysis, renewables will account for about 17% of the country’s power mix, a little shy of its original target. Shortly after Moon Jae-in took over the reins as President, the South Korean government unveiled its […]

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131 Public EV Charging Stations Planned in Next 3 Months For the Capital

National Capital Region of Delhi is reportedly getting 131 new public charging stations for electric vehicles in the next three months. These chargers will provide people with easy access to recharging facilities and the locations of these charging stations have been decided so as to cater to the EV charging needs of consumers coming from […]

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