
Majority of New Renewables Beat Cheapest Fossil Fuel on Cost: IRENA

The share of renewable energy that achieved lower costs than the most competitive fossil fuel option doubled in 2020, a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) shows. 162 gigawatts (GW) or 62 per cent of total renewable power generation added last year had lower costs than the cheapest new fossil fuel option. […]

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European Comm Approves Germany’s Problematic RE Law: WindEurope

Last week the European Commission approved the latest amendments to the German Renewable Energy Act. This means Germany can now publish the results of its last onshore wind auction, and work on the relevant wind farms can start. But the Commission have set an unhelpful precedent by approving a new mechanism in the Act which […]

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Record Fall in Coal Generation in 2020, but Emissions Remained High: Ember

New research has revealed a record fall in coal generation in 2020, however, power sector emissions were still higher than in 2015. New research has revealed that China was the only G20 country that saw a large increase in coal generation in the pandemic year. Globally there was a record fall in coal generation in […]

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WSDS 2021 Closes With Promise to Achieve a Common Goal of Green Growth

“We all share one precious life giving, but fragile, planet and each of us has a stake in its future. Only through ambitious net-zero commitments and strong international collaboration can we bring the benefits of clean growth and resilient economies to everyone around the world”, said Alok Sharma MP, COP26 President-Designate, while speaking at the […]

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UNESCO and GECF sign Landmark Cooperation Agreement

Marking a victory for science and education, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to bring the benefits of collaboration to the world at large. The agreement, taking stock of two years of cooperation, was signed by HE Shamila Nair-Bedouelle, […]

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PM Modi to Inaugurate 30 GW Wind and Solar Park in Gujarat This Month

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be inaugurating the world’s largest solar and wind energy park in Kutch, Gujarat PM Shri @narendramodi to visit Gujarat on December 15 to perform ground breaking for world’s largest renewable energy park in border area of Kutch and also for a desalination plant at Mandvi. — CMO Gujarat (@CMOGuj) […]

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The Plan is to Power the Entire Agriculture Sector With Solar: RK Singh at RE-Invest

India’s plan is to rapidly take forward the idea of solarising its agriculture sector, and not just stop at solar pumps but cover the entire value chain. Agro-PV offers an opportunity to enable the achievement of both sustainable agriculture and clean energy transitions. Decentralised and distributed renewable energy solutions including solar-powered irrigation can significantly contribute […]

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G-20 Countries Should Take the Lead in Tackling Climate Change: Xi Jinping

Chinese President Xi Jinping has said that the G-20 countries should take the lead in tackling climate change, and push for the full and effective implementation of the Paris Agreement. Chinese President Xi Jinping while addressing the Leaders’ Side Event on Safeguarding the Planet of the G-20 Riyadh Summit said that the G-20 countries should take the […]

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