fossil fuels

Indian Scientists Make Dendrite-free Zinc-iron Redox Flow Battery

Indian scientists have created a redox flow battery based on zinc and iron, which showed strong storage characteristics and no signs of degradation over 30 charge-discharge cycles. Additionally, the battery did not show any signs of dendrite formation, overcoming one of the key challenges for redox-flow batteries based on these low-cost, abundant materials. The researchers […]

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JSW Energy Partners with Australian Firm To Develop Green Hydrogen Projects

JSW Energy’s wholly-owned subsidiary, JSW Future Energy Ltd. has partnered with an Australian firm Fortescue Future Industries (FFI), to explore opportunities to develop green hydrogen projects in India. Under the agreement, FFI and JSW Energy will collaborate and work on potential projects for the production of green hydrogen and explore opportunities to utilize it for […]

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Arctic Green Energy and GIC to Jointly Decarbonsise Building Sector

Arctic Green Energy, an Iceland-based renewable firm, and GIC, Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund, are partnering to drive the uptake of zero carbon district heating in Europe and Asia. Under the agreement, GIC will become an equity partner in Arctic Green Energy and commit a new injection of $240 million to support the expansion of the […]

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Global Electricity Demand Growing Faster than Renewables: IEA Report

Renewables are expanding quickly but not enough to satisfy a strong rebound in global electricity demand this year, resulting in a sharp rise in the use of coal power that risks pushing carbon dioxide emissions from the electricity sector to record levels next year, says a new report from the International Energy Agency. After falling […]

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Indian Oil Corporation to Build Country’s First Green hydrogen Plant

India’s largest oil firm, Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOC) has announced plansto build the first-ever commercial green hydrogen plant at its Mathura refinery in Uttar Pradesh.  IOC has taken this step intending to maintain focus on its core refining and fuel marketing businesses while making bigger inroads into petrochemicals, hydrogen and electric mobility over the […]

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Denmark Leads in Share of RE Production, India Yet To Break Into Top 15

Wind and solar produced 2,435 TWh of electricity in 2020, providing almost a tenth of the world’s electricity. While European countries like Denmark, Ireland, and Germany are leading among the world’s top 15 producers, India is not part of his group. Even though India’s renewable energy capacity is being added to each year, with the […]

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Stagnation in RE Subsidies, Financial Support Needed: IISD-CEEW Report

India’s quest to achieve its goals for “Aatmanirbhar Bharat” and a clean energy transition, part of the economic recovery from COVID-19, is missing a key ingredient: adequate financial support for renewable energy. This is the conclusion reached upon by a new report released by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and the Council on […]

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