floating offshore wind

Japan Closes 2020 With 4,372 MW of Wind Power Capacity: JWPA

Japan Wind Power Association (JWPA) has released a detailed report, announcing Japan’s total generated wind power in 2020. According to the data provided, the countryi installed a wind power generation capacity of 4,372 MW across 2,531 generating units by the end of December 2020. JWPA surveyed and then announced cumulative installed capacity. Also, JWPA declares […]

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Europe Invested a Record €26 bn in Offshore Wind in 2020: Report

Despite COVID constraints, Europe confirmed a record amount of EUR 26.3 billion of investments in new offshore wind farms in 2020. Despite COVID constraints, Europe confirmed a record amount of EUR 26.3 billion of investments in new offshore wind farms in 2020. This will finance 7.1 GW of new offshore wind which will be built […]

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Iberdrola Acquires 3 GW Offshore Wind Pipeline in Ireland

Iberdrola has added to its offshore wind as coast of Co Cork and the Clarus project on the west coast of Co Clare, both to be developed with floating offshore wind technology. Additionally, the Shelmalere project will be located off the east coast and will be developed using fixed foundations. Once operational, the projects will […]

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VSL Awarded Contract for Hybrid Tampen Floating Wind Farm

Kværner has awarded VSL the contract for the post-tensioning works for the 11 floating concrete hulls for wind power turbines of the Hywind Tampen project in Norway. VSL will be responsible for the post-tensioning works of the semi-submersible concrete structures which will require installation of vertical post-tensioning tendons in the hulls with the length up […]

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KEMP Combines 4th Generation Technology to Produce Offshore Wind Power Structures

Eco-friendly ceramic zinc plating-INNOZINC reduces environmental pollution Hyun-Jun, Jeon (The director of KEMP Co., Ltd.) recently presented the ‘4th generation eco-friendly ceramic zinc plating technology-INNOZINC at the 2nd day event of the Ulsan Floating Offshore Wind Power International Forum 2020. KEMP has developed the world’s first eco-friendly, highly corrosion-resistant ceramic galvanizing, and possesses eco-friendly technology covering the fields of […]

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RWE Concludes Tax Equity Financing on 220 MW Cranell Onshore Wind Farm

RWE Renewables, one of the world’s leading renewable energy companies, has completed the successful tax equity financing of its 220-megawatt (MW) Cranell Onshore Wind Farm in Refugio County, Texas. The company secured tax equity financing with JPM Capital Corporation upon the Cranell project achieving commercial operation in the third quarter of 2020. “We are proud […]

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Equinor and SSE Reach Financial Close on World’s Biggest Offshore Wind Farm

Dogger Bank wind farm owners, Equinor and SSE, have announced financial close on the first two phases of the project, representing in aggregate the largest offshore wind project financing to date globally. “Reaching financial close on the two first phases of Dogger Bank is a major milestone, demonstrating our commitment to profitable growth within offshore […]

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Saitec Offshore and RWE Award Contract for DemoSATH Floating Project to Ferrovial

Bilbao, 28 October 2020.- Leading global infrastructure operator Ferrovial has been selected for the manufacturing and assembly of the SATH floating platform in the DemoSATH project lead by Saitec Offshore Technologies in collaboration with RWE Renewables. The construction package will last 14 months and covers site preparation, concrete precasting, procurement of steel bulkheads and assembly […]

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