
Installed Energy Storage for Microgrids Expected to Reach Over $22 Billion by 2026

In 2026 there will be a cumulative installation of 14,850.7 MW of new ESMG capacity with revenue of approximately $22.3 billion in revenue. The installed capacity of energy storage for microgrids is expected to increase dramatically over the next decade, with nearly 15GW of new cumulative capacity and revenue worth $22.3 billion, according to a […]

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Start Your Solar Business

Solar power business in India is mollycoddling. The opportunity in this sector is dynamic and extolling. Every person in this country today has a well economic space to edify his/her solar business without thinking of capital and ancillary expenses. Evading figures, it’s a well-known that India today walks on a red carpet in the worldwide […]

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India 2022 A Roadmap 100GW

India is poised to achieve a growth rate which is projected to trigger a major rise in energy demand due to demographic expansion, increasing urbanization and rising demands for mobility. By 2022, India targets solar power installation of 100GW, which is an ambitious target and requires a quantum four-fold growth in the sector. India’s total […]

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“India invites all Nations to partner in the endeavour to harness Clean Energy and Save the Planet”, says Shri R.K. Singh

Power Minister chairs Curtain Raiser Ceremony for Global Renewable Energy Investors Meet and Expo (RE-Invest 2017) and Founding Ceremony of ISA Union Minister of State (IC) for Power and New and Renewable Energy (NRE), Shri R.K. Singhchaired a Curtain Raiser ceremony, held here today, to inform that the 2nd edition of the Global Renewable Energy […]

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Heliatek Raises an Additional €15 Million for Organic PV Expansion

New and existing investors increase financial resources to accelerate development and speed up worldwide market entry. Heliatek, a world leader in organic photovoltaic and a manufacturer of solar films, announced today that it has raised €15 million from new and existing investors. A strong interest among potential investors leads to an extension of the last […]

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European Investment Bank Signs Partnership Pact with Solar Alliance

This new agreement reflects shared commitment to successful implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement and ensuring that solar rich economies can harness solar power to increase supply of affordable clean energy. The European Investment Bank (EIB) has agreed on a new partnership with the International Solar Alliance to mobilise finance to develop and deploy affordable […]

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Global VC Funding in Solar Sector Plummet to $128Mn in April-June Quarter

Global venture capital (VC) funding in solar sector has reported a steep decline of $128 million in April-June quarter of 2017 when compared with $585 million in the preceding quarter, according to Mercom Capital, a global clean energy communications and consulting firm. Most of the VC funding in Q2 2017 went to solar downstream companies […]

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