
India Committed to 175 GW Clean Energy Target: MNRE

India is committed to its renewable energy target of having 175 GW capacity by 2022 to provide equitable sustainable development Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India, in partnership with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), organized a panel discussion on ‘Innovative Financing and Market Evolution to achieve 175 GW renewables by […]

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ADFD & IRENA Started Accepting Applications For Funding Opportunities For Renewable Energy Projects

The Facility allocated US$189 million to 19 renewable energy ventures across the globe, covering up to 50 per cent of the project costs. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), in partnership with the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD), is inviting applications for renewable energy projects in developing countries. Within the framework of the ADFD-funded […]

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Renewable Electricity’s Spanish Support Scheme Approved by the European Commission

The scheme has around 40,000 beneficiaries. In 2016, the annual payments under the scheme amounted to €6.4 billion. The Spanish scheme supporting electricity generation from renewable energy sources, high efficiency co generation of heat and power and waste, the European Commission has found it to be in line with EU State aid rules. The scheme […]

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Solar Energy Insurance for Utility Scale Projects

With each step towards achieving 100GW solar power goal by 2022, the momentous development of solar insurance and reinsurance market in India could not come at a better time. When it comes to new and innovative financing models, growing number of large-scale solar PV power plants and reduction in the feed-in tariff has spurred the […]

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Half-cell technology to rise and shine in subsidy-less solar business climate

Both China’s launching tradable green certificates and Japan’s replacement of its Feed in Tariff (FiT) scheme with an auction mechanism shows that the cost of renewable power generation has become more and more competitive to that of fossil fuels. Solar will continue to survive with less dependency on subsidy in the near future. At the […]

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New Technologies Projected to Make Renewable Energy Sources More Affordable

  According to a research by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), significant advances continue to work their way through the Solar industry. An important technological development is expected to make renewable energy more affordable. BNEF pointed out the introduction of diamond wire saws to slice multicrystalline silicon ingots into wafers can reduce the amount of […]

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India’s Effort in Renewable Energy Led To Drop in Solar Price

US Senator Merkley during the hearing on Energy and International Development stated that because of India’s effort in renewable energy there has been a considerable drop in solar price. India’s massive effort towards renewable energy has resulted in considerable drop in solar price and the country now believes that the solar power is cheaper than […]

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Efforts to Address Climate through Clean Energy Lag in Emerging Markets

Two years post-Paris, Climatescope research from Bloomberg New Energy Finance highlights slowing investment from OECD countries and limited policy-making follow-through in non-OECD nations. Two years since the signing of the Paris climate agreement and eight years after Copenhagen, countries on both sides of the rich-poor divide are falling short on promises made to address climate […]

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