fdre tenders

Why NTPC Is Showing Lesser Interest In RTC & FDRE Tenders?

India’s public sector power giant NTPC Limited has now explained why it is shy when it comes to Round-The-Clock (RTC) and Firm and Despatacble Renewable Energy (FDRE) tenders. The response from the NTPC management came to the fore when a query was raised regarding the lesser participation of the group in renewable tenders. The NTPC […]

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ReNew, Enfinity, Serentica Among Winners of SJVN’s FDRE tender

SJVN has announced the winners of its 1.2 GW Firm and Dispatchable Energy (FDRE) tender. As per the tender announcement, SJVN awarded the bids to ReNew Solar Power, EG Energy Development (Enfinity Global), Dineshchandra R Agrawal Infracon, Serentica Renewables India, and Tata Power Renewable Energy to develop 1,200 MW ISTS-connected projects for firm and dispatchable […]

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Inox Wind’s New Venture Inox Solar To Bid For Govt Tenders

Indian wind energy company Inox Wind is optimistic about entering the Indian solar market with its new venture, Inox Solar. The solar arm of the firm plans to participate in hybrid tenders, allowing the group to establish such projects independently without external involvement. The top management of the publicly listed company, in its latest investors’ […]

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SECI Awards 200 MW FDRE Project To Altra Xergi At Rs. 8.50/kWh

Altra Xergi Power, an O2 Power subsidiary, recently secured a 200 MW project from Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI). The company secured this project out of the initial 8,000 MWh (2000 MW x 4 hours) renewable energy tender. The Altra Xergi secured the project from SECI at the quoted tariff of Rs. 8.50/kWh to […]

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Hexa Climate, ACME And Avaada Energy Secure NTPC’s FDRE Tender

NTPC Limited has now declared Hexa Climate Solutions, ACME Solar Holdings, and Avaada Energy as the winners of its 1,200 MW Firm and Dispatchable Renewable Energy (FDRE) auction. The tender for this project was issued in June this year, and the results were released within four months. Only 760 MW of the 1.2 GW was […]

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Vanilla To BESS: Share of Energy Storage Tenders Goes From 5% To 23% In 10 Ys

From plain vanilla tenders to Firm and Dispatchable Renewable Energy (FDRE), the Indian tendering system has come a long way. Since 2020, demand for energy storage has surged. With nearly a quarter of tenders now requiring energy storage, the need for Energy Storage Systems (ESS) is gaining momentum. SBI CAPS, in its latest report on […]

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SECI Tenders For 1.2 GW RTC Renewable Energy Projects Across India

SECI, has issued a tender to select renewable power developers to supply 1.2 GW of Round-the-Clock (RTC) power for renewable projects across India. The last date for bids submission is 16th December. With a commissioning time of 24 months, the 4 hour RTC supply will need to maintain a Demand Fulfillment Ratio (DFR) of 80% […]

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ICRA Sees FDRE, RTC Projects As Key Drivers Of India’s RE Growth

A recent report by the Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency (ICRA) foresees a rise in renewable energy capacity in the next six years in India. It is estimated that the share of renewable energy (RE), plus large hydro, in all-India electricity generation, will increase to over 35% in FY2030 from 21% in FY2024. ICRA […]

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Change In FDRE Bidding Norms Can Aid RE Growth: EMBER

EMBER recently released a policy paper highlighting the importance of changing the approach to bidding in the FDRE tenders to increase renewable energy (RE) capacity growth in India. It also stated that it’s unfair to make developers responsible for handling the unpredictable nature of renewable energy in contracts and that this should be rethought. EMBER […]

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