ev penetration

UK Govt To End Electric Vehicle Subsidy As Demand Rises

The remaining subsidies on the electric cars for the buyers in the United Kingdom are coming to a closure after a reasonable run. The UK government is mulling to do away the benefits of £300 million to purchasers as the demand for electric vehicles is rising. The government says that the funds will then be […]

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Growatt Wins “Top Brand PV Storage” Award From EUPD Research

EUPD Research, the well known market research company, has awarded “Top Brand PV Storage” to Growatt in 6 different countries including Italy, Australia, the UK, Scandinavia, the Czech Republic, & Brazil, etc. The award recognises the brand for credibility, market penetration, brand recognition, and satisfaction, in all these six countries. Growatt is included in the […]

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BYD To Start Supply of Batteries to Tesla Soon

In what could be a key moment in the global electric vehicle industry, BYD will be supplying its batteries to the leading electric vehicle seller in the world – Tesla. The China-based company’s senior executive Lian Yubo said during an interview with the state controlled media house that BYD will sell its batteries ‘very soon’ […]

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VRF Batteries Set to Boost Demand For Vanadium Massively

Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries, (VRFB) have definitely brought Vanadium to the centre stage. It is a classified critical raw material in several countries around the world. Back in 2017, the European Commission identified and formally registered vanadium on the 2017 list of Critical Raw Materials for the European Union. Further, the United States, Canada and […]

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Service Sales Executive- Energy & Mechanical Services

Every Customer segment is focused on Energy Sustainability and Carbon footprint reduction. In this role you are expected to position Siemens EPS & Smart Mechanical Service Portfolio Execute the business’ go-to-market strategy of expanding business while driving growth initiative with existing customer and open market space. Work closely with the customer and support team members […]

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KSEB Moves Kerala Regulator To Shift From Net To Gross Metering For Solar Prosumers

The Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) has moved the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission to approve of amendment to the rules of metering and billing against the consumers not only generating solar and wind power more than 500 kilowatts a month but also receiving the supply of power from KSEB. In doing so, KSEB would […]

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Growatt Wins 22 “EuPD Researcher Top Brand” awards

Leading inverter brand Growatt has won 22 “EuPD Top Brand” Awards, covering a total of 20 countries and regions. The countries include Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Scandinavia , Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Turkey, India, Vietnam, Pakistan, Australia, and South Africa. As an authoritative research institution in Europe, EuPD Reacher […]

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Why do Lithium-ion Batteries Catch Fire? How to Avoid the Mishap?

Lithium-ion batteries have become the backbone of every technology that needs battery support in the current space for innovations . With a wide range of areas of applications — from smartphones to electric cars (EVs) to even the International Space Station — li-ion batteries support them all. This is largely thanks to the high energy […]

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Could Priority Sector Lending Status For Electric Mobility Charge Up Adoption ?

The electric vehicles have a long way to go to lead the mobility sector in India. One of the major points of delay is the finance for the industry. NITI Aayog, Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), and RMI India released a report in January 2022, titled Banking on Electric Vehicles in India. The report surfaces the need […]

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