ev charging

Dominion Energy Moves Ahead With Electric School Bus Program

Dominion Energy is moving forward with its electric school bus program with 50 electric school buses being introduced to 16 localities in Virginia Electric school buses will soon be on the roads in Virginia safely carrying children and reducing emissions as Dominion Energy moves forward with the nations largest electric school bus deployment. Phase one will bring 50 []

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Nagpur Municipal Corp Tenders for 40 Electric Buses Again

Nagpur Municipal Corp has re-issued its RfP for the selection of bus operator for the procurement of 40 electric buses and related charging infrastructure The Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has re-issued its Request for Proposal (RfP) for the selection of bus operator for the procurement of 40 electric buses and related charging infrastructure The scope []

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Indias Indifference to Mini-Grids Throttling A big Job opportunity

Behind the governments power for all push has been an unstated desire to ensure that the central grid is the main conduit of power for all Indian households. This has pushed mini-grids to the backburner many feel, with many consequences for all stakeholders Last year, India celebrated power connectivity to every household in the country, []

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Cabinet Approves MoU With UK for Energy Self Sufficiency in Railways

The Union Cabinet has given its approval to MoU signed with the DfID of UK for enabling energy self-sufficiency in Indian Railways The Union Cabinet has given its approval to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed with the Department for International Development, Government of UK for enabling energy self-sufficiency in Indian Railways. An official release []

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Tesla Begins Delivery of Model 3S From Shanghai Gigafactory

Tesla has announced that it has begun shipping customer cars from its Shanghai Gigafactory, one year on from first breaking ground on the site US car manufacturer, and now the most valuable car company in the country ever Tesla has announced that it has begun shipping its first batch of customer cars from its []

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Hyundai and Uber Announce Plans for Electric Air Taxis at CES

Uber and Hyundai have announced a new partnership to develop electric Uber Air Taxis and unveiled a new full-scale aircraft concept at the CES Uber and Hyundai Motor Company have announced a new partnership to develop electric Uber Air Taxis for a future aerial ride share network and unveiled a new full-scale aircraft concept at []

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Nano One Patents new Durable Cobalt-Free Battery Material

Nano One has been issued a Taiwanese patent relating to lithium nickel manganese oxide (LNMO) cathode material, that eliminates cobalt from the battery Nano One Materials Corp, a firm that is involved in developing patented technology for the low-cost production of high-performance lithium-ion battery cathode materials used in electric vehicles (EVs), energy storage and consumer []

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Subsidies & Fines Not The Only Prescription for Transport in India

The United states environment Protection agency (EPA), in its greenhouse gas emissions report for 2017, had blamed Transportation for 28.9 percent of total US emissions, with electricity at 27.5 percent coming a close second. As an activity that services virtually every sector of the economy, getting a fix on this has been the obvious, and []

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IBM Research Discovers new Battery That Could Trump Li-ion

IBM Research has unveiled a new battery that could help eliminate the need for heavy metals in production and surpass the capabilities of Li-ion batteries IBM Research is building on a long history of materials science innovation to unveil a new battery discovery. This new research could help eliminate the need for heavy metals in []

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