
Year End Review 2017 –MNRE

Government is on its way to achieving 175 GW target for installed Renewable Energy capacity by 2022 India attains 6th position in global Solar Power installed capacity By November 2017, a total of 62 GW Renewable Power installed, of which 27 GW installed since May 2014 and 11.79 GW since January 2017 Historic Low Tariffs […]

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Armenia Looks to Solar Energy

The government policy estimates the country’s potential capacity of solar energy production at up to 3,000 megawatts — enough to meet domestic demand and even make Armenia a net electricity exporter. Armenia is banking on renewable energy to increase its energy independence. Armenia much sunnier than most of Europe — according to government figures, it […]

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Reliance Aims To Become Big Clean Energy Provider: Ambani

Reliance chairman said in the coming decades, the world will see a transition from fossil fuels to clean, green and renewable energy sources. India’s Reliance Industries Ltd will become a major provider of clean energy in the country, Chairman Mukesh Ambani said, as the South Asian nation transitions to renewable energy sources from fossil fuels. […]

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EIB Invests $150m to Fund Clean Energy Projects in Peru

The two projects are expected to be operational in the first six months of 2018 and will have a total installed capacity of 312MW The European Investment Bank (EIB) is going to invest $150m to the development and operation of a windfarm and photovoltaic (PV) solarpower project in Peru, a country in western South America. […]

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US Takes India Back To World Trade Organisation in Solar Power Issue

In 2013, Washington had complained to the WTO, claiming that US exports of solar items to India had declined by 90% since 2011 because of India’s “discriminatory practices”. India has failed to comply with a World Trade Organization ruling on solar power, the United States will tell the WTO’s dispute settlement body (DSB) next month, […]

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ST Technology & solutions develop Smart Grids Sector

The expertise of STMicroelectronics in the smart grids sector is commodious. In fact the Geneva headquartered semiconductor and electronics heavyweight was an early innovator in the smart grid landscape. Traversing across the years of innovation and technology advancement, Allan Lagasca – ST’s smart grid honcho draws the company’s innovative journey on building a sustainable and […]

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YES Bank, EIB to Invest $400mn in Indian Renewable Energy Sector

The new $400 million private sector renewable energy financing programme is divided into two components. Of the $400-million, the EIB will fund $200 million, while the rest will be supported by YES Bank. YES Bank and the European Investment Bank will jointly invest $400-million funding for renewable power generation in the country. “The new financing […]

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The Photovoltaik-Institut Berlin (PI Berlin) to Acquire 100 Percent Shares in SolarBuyer

SolarBuyer has been a well-respected player in the US market for technical risk management and quality assurance services since 2011. As of January 1, 2018, the Photovoltaik-Institut Berlin (PI Berlin) will acquire 100 percent of the shares in the US company SolarBuyer. SolarBuyer is a leading provider of risk management and quality assurance services for […]

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Solar Power Generating Capacity in South Korea to Increase by Five Times by 2030

South Korea plans to add 30.8 gigawatts of solar power generating capacity and 16.5 gigawatts of wind power capacity by 2030. South Korea plans to increase its solar power capacity by five times current amounts by 2030 to boost use of renewable sources in the nation’s energy mix, reuters news agency reported. Since President Moon […]

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