energy tenders

NTPC’s Ananthapuram Solar Park Auction tariffs floated at Rs 2.8 per unit

Earlier, in the last weeks of March, the bids in the auction of 500 MW were in range of Rs 2.98-3.06 per unit. However, dismayed with the tariff rates, the government of Gujarat cancelled the auction and may re-issue new tenders soon. In a latest auction for 750 MW at Ananthapuram Solar Park in Andhra […]

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SECI’s 70 MW Amguri Solar Park Tender to Close on May 22

The maximum tariff payable to the project developer is fixed at Rs 3.43/ kWh for 25 years. The Solar Energy Corporation of India’s (SECI’s) tender for setting up of 70 MW grid-connected solar PV (SPV) power project at Amguri Solar Park in Assam will be closed on May 22, 2018. In February this year, SECI […]

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SECI Issues Tender for 5 MW Solar PV Plant at Chidambaranar Port

The successful contractors have to take responsibility of comprehensive operation & maintenance of the plant for 10 years. In the southern state of Tamil Nadu, Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has come up with a tender to develop a 5 MW grid connected solar photovoltaic (PV) project. The contractors are sought for engineering procurement […]

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Nepal Electricity Authority Invites Bids to Supply Solar Power

The successful developers have to finish the construction and installation work and start supplying electricity within one year after they sign PPA agreement with the NEA. To expand the power sources in the country the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has beefed up its efforts while calling for global tenders to select independent developers and supply […]

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Tangedco to Add 3,000 Megawatt Solar Capacity

The total capacity, for which the tenders are coming up, is 3000MW. It includes both solar and wind power capacity. The upper limit in tariff has been fixed at 3 per unit for solar and 2.65 per unit for wind. Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) has given green signal for Tangedco to come up […]

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Govt Floats Massive 20,000MW Solar Power Capacity

The new projects are likely to ramp up renewable energy production in the country from around 70 GW to around 225 GW in next four years. The NDA government ramping up to oust 100GW target after it is lately known to have shared proposals to issue tenders for 20 GW solar power capacities. The mammoth capacity […]

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SECI Invites Bids for Aggregating 3.37 GW Solar Power Projects across India

The bunch of projects includes setting up of 2,000 MW (250 MW x 8) ISTS-connected solar power projects in India on build own operate basis. The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has invited proposals for selection of solar power developers for the installation of aggregating 3.375 GW solar PV projects on pan India basis. […]

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Viz-A-Viz with Harsh Thacker, Sr Analyst- MOVE (Moving Onwards Vehicle Electrification)

Q. With all automobile companies helming towards Electric Vehicles, demand for energy and suitable ecosystem is the initial glitch, how is IESA working to outpace these snags? Š India has a significant market potential for batteries and electric vehicles. Our analysis projects the EV market potential for India would be around 77 million between now […]

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MSEDCL to Feed Power Demand of 2,000MW Through New Solar Plants

Currently, MSEDCL buys 850 MW against the peak demand of about 20,000 MW and with the addition of new power to the state grid, MSEDCL will meet more than 10% requirement from solar. Marking a new milestone in the green energy corridors, Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) is known to have decided to buy […]

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