energy markets

Vestas Claims An Answer To Recycle All Wind Turbine Blades

Wind turbines have become a crucial component in the fight against climate change, but what happens to the massive blades at the end of their lifespan? Landfills were the only answer, until now. Vestas Wind Systems is claiming a game-changing chemical process that it says could eliminate the need for landfill disposal and transform used […]

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Enel Adds 5.2 GW Renewables World Over In 2022, 2 GW In North America Only

North American clean energy firm Enel North America has announced that it has built 1.98 GW of utility-scale wind, solar and battery storage capacity across the US and Canada in 2022 alone.  Worldwide, Enel built over 5.2 GW of new renewable capacity over the course of the year. Starting as an Italian utility firm, ENEL […]

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China Fears Recede Somewhat, As EU’s Green Deal Industrial Plan Worries About US

If you thought that the renewed push for manufacturing in the US, EU and even India for that matter, was linked to countering China’s dominance of global manufacturing, think again. The European Union has finally released details of its $270 billion Green Deal Industrial plan to spur manufacturing in the continent. In what many see […]

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ENERCON, Enerjisa Üretim to Install 1000 MW Onshore Wind in Turkey

Wind energy player ENERCON has announced that it has joined forces with Enerjisa Üretim, a joint venture of the E.ON – SABANCI Holding, which delves in energy generation, for the implement the YEKA RES 2 wind energy project in Turkey. ENERCRON said that the tender will play a major role in increasing the clean energy […]

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China Seeks To Limit Technology Access For Solar Manufacturing, In Move Aimed at India

China, which built its imposing, world dominating solar manufacturing sector with a combination of technology purchases from the west, academic partnerships and joint research, seems to have lost the appetite to allow others to do the same. The country, which leads in global solar markets with its manufacturing firms enjoying an almost 80% market share, […]

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Amazon Adds Record 8.3 GW of Renewables in 2022

Global e-commerce giant Amazon has added a remarkable capacity of 8.3 GW in 2022 in terms of renewable energy. The company has made these additions through 133 new projects in 11 countries. The official statement, the company held that now the total portfolio is over 20 GW which is enough to power 5.3 million U.S. […]

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“A thriving urban mining ecosystem is essential to reduce reliance on imports”, Saurav Goyal, Metastable Materials

Bengaluru-based battery recycling startup Metastable Materials is pioneering a first-of-its-kind, chemical-free technology and system named ‘Integrated Carbonthermal Reduction’ (ICR) for ‘recycling’ of Li-Ion batteries in a sustainable and eco-friendly manner that can extract a wide range of materials from batteries, with more than 90% recovery rate. We caught up with co-founder and COO Saurav Goyal […]

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