
Rooftop Solar Units Must for Households in Mysuru City

The Mysuru City Corporation (MCC) to soon make solar power integration mandatory for all new and already existing houses in the city to keep away reliance on Chamundeshwari Electricity Supply Corporation (CESC) for power necessity. Illuminating this, Mayor Byrappa said that, “The Corporation additionally plans to change over Mysuru as a ‘Green City’ by decreasing […]

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IFC, MP Govt to Build the Largest Single-site Power Project in Rewa

A member of the World Bank Group share intends to partner with Madhya Pradesh government for a massive solar project. IFC and state govt. aims to setup the largest single-site power project of 750-Mw in Rewa. IFC will put its expertise to structure and propose the transaction through private investments of about $750 million. “Successful […]

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Global Solar Sector Attracts US$160 billion Investment in 2015 – BNEF Report

In 2015 the Global investment in solar sector reached a record US$161.5 billion off the back of 57GW of PV installations, more startling than the growth figures is that this commitment to renewables has continued to ratchet up while fossil fuel prices have plummeted. Oil prices have more than halved in two year. According to […]

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Solar Energy On-Demand Use can be a Marvel Possibility

Researchers at MIT have come up with a ground breaking new innovation – a unique process for absorbing and retaining solar energy for on-demand use.  “It is a material that is capable of absorbing photons (light) and storing their energy,” said MIT professor Dr. David Zhitomirsky. “Then, this energy can be released as heat on-demand, […]

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Su-Kam Aims to Empower With Solar Village Lives

Recently, Su-Kam released a documentary, highlighting the enormous work-embraced to solarize the remote villages of the nation. The company is altering the lives of numerous numbers of people in the remote towns of the nation by leveraging power through solar energy. The future of many people living in countryside areas, for example Patewara in Uttar […]

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Lease Program on Housetop Solar System in Filmnagar, Hyderabad – SolarTown

The SolarTown Energy Solutions has introduced a sunlight based housetop framework on a 2,400 sq. ft. multilevel private property situated in Filmnagar, Hyderabad under a residential lease program. The program accompanies zero in advance expenses and fixed monthly rates lower than Discoms, protecting house owner against increasing of power costs. It is assessed to save […]

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Infosys to Meet 100% Power from Renewable Energy Sources

Infosys announces to rollout a 6.6 MW Solar Photovoltaic (PV) power on its existing Pocharam premises in the state Telangana. The new launch will integrate with the existing 0.6 MW housetop solar plant which is claimed to become the first corporate campus in India running on 100% renewable energy. The plant, with an aggregate limit […]

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Demystifying Renewable Energy and Its Process

The energy which are captured from existing streams of energy like on-going normal procedures for example, daylight, wind, streaming water, natural procedures (natural processes) and geothermal heat streams are the renewable energy (sources) or RES. The known definition is that renewable energy is from an energy asset that is supplanted quickly by a characteristic process, […]

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UP Govt. and Central Couches to Empower Green Energy – Herald Projects in Kaiserbagh

After Uttar Pradesh state government mulls on Smart City initiative, Lucknow Municipal Corporation declares to send the smart city proposal to Central Govt. The project will introduce solar panels on building tops of significant government structures in Kaiserbagh for providing efficient power and make the zone confident on electricity availability. Energy created from the solar […]

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