
The Gospel of Distributed Energy Storage

A target of 175 GW by 2022 is not just challenging but brings a commodity to bring swift innovations to peg this clean mission. Falling energy storage costs and steadily increasing solar capacity stand to catalyze a paradigm shift from net metering to distributed energy storage. Implementing a system composed of a web of distributed […]

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Subsidy of Rs. 246.84 crore disbursed under Decentralized Distributed Generation in last three years Piyush Goyal

Under the Decentralized Distributed Generation (DDG) of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY), electricity access is provided to all the villages/habitations where grid connectivity is either not feasible or not cost effective including those situated in backward and remote areas of the country.  This includes mini grids and standalone systems. The Minister of State For Power, Coal, New & […]

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The paper industry in India has become more promising as the domestic demand is on the rise. Increasing population and literacy rate, growth in GDP, improvement in manufacturing sector and lifestyle of individuals are expected to account for the growth in the paper industry of India. Notwithstanding, paper sector is one of the most energy-critical […]

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MYSUN launches Advanced Rooftop Solar Calculator

MYSUN Advanced Rooftop Solar Calculator, the solar system sizing and savings Calculator allows users to estimate an accurate solar system size, costing estimates, financial returns, impact of subsidies and offers a simulation of different financing options tailor made for each and every individual user. After the overwhelming success of the MYSUN Solar Calculator, which according […]

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EMMVEE Photovoltaic celebrates 25 years in Solar Industry, reaches 0.5 GW solar module production capacity milestone

Emmvee has at present 0.5 GW per year solar module manufacturing capacity and has plans to expand  said the company celebrating 25 years in the solar industry Emmvee Photovoltaic Power has announced that it has completed 25 years of excellent service in solar thermal products and solar PV module manufacturing. The company in a statement […]

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India Aspiring For Global Leadership in Climate Action: Anand Mahindra

Heavy investment in solar and wind has helped drive down costs of electricity to a point where, in many places, renewable sources can generate electricity more cheaply than conventional sources such as coal. India is aspiring for a global leadership in climate action and has set an “ambitious” goal of receiving 40 per cent of […]

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Chandigarh’s Solar Power Ambitions Hit Roadblock

Solar projects of around 6 megawatt of the society, which is already struggling to meet the target of generating solar power set by central government, are hanging fire for want of mandatory NOC from the power department. UT electricity department’s stand not to issue no-objection certificates (NOC) for gross-meter solar power connections has put Chandigarh […]

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