
India-Japan to Work Together for Energy Security, Energy Access and Climate Change Issues

During the meeting, both the countries agreed to initiate the discussion towards development of Electric Vehicles (EVs) by collaborating with “Policy dialogue on next generation/ zero emission vehicles”. India and Japan have agreed on further strengthening of bilateral energy cooperation for energy development of both countries, and also contributing to worldwide energy security, energy access […]

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Renewables Replacing Conventional Energy to Cut Fossil Emission in India: Study

Due to the rapid growth in solar energy sector it is possible that the sector will garner a share of at least 48 percent in India’s electricity generation capacity by 2030, the study further finds. India is making significant progress towards meeting climate commitments and is on course to surpass its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) […]

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Imagining Application of Water to Store Renewable Power is a Step-Away! 

This revolutionary yet cheap technology can store Solar and Wind energy subsequently and then easily can be fed to the grid and later redistributed when the demand is high. Imagining water to store electricity can surely make your drink one more glass right-away as scientist have discovered a battery that is known to operate through […]

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Tangedco to Add 3,000 Megawatt Solar Capacity

The total capacity, for which the tenders are coming up, is 3000MW. It includes both solar and wind power capacity. The upper limit in tariff has been fixed at 3 per unit for solar and 2.65 per unit for wind. Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) has given green signal for Tangedco to come up […]

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Monocrystalline Silicon Thin Film Cheaper and Faster to Fabricate

A research team from Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) and Waseda University have successfully produced high-quality thin film monocrystalline silicon with a reduced crystal defect density down to the silicon wafer level at a growth rate that is more than 10 times higher than before. In principle, this method can improve the raw material […]

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Potassium Offers Perovskite-Based Solar Cells an Efficiency Boost

A simple potassium solution could boost the efficiency of next-generation solar cells, by enabling them to convert more sunlight into electricity. An international team of researchers led by the University of Cambridge found that the addition of potassium iodide ‘healed’ the defects and immobilised ion movement, which to date have limited the efficiency of cheap […]

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Viz-A-Viz with Harsh Thacker, Sr Analyst- MOVE (Moving Onwards Vehicle Electrification)

Q. With all automobile companies helming towards Electric Vehicles, demand for energy and suitable ecosystem is the initial glitch, how is IESA working to outpace these snags? Š India has a significant market potential for batteries and electric vehicles. Our analysis projects the EV market potential for India would be around 77 million between now […]

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Sunseap Gets Approval for 168-MWp Solar Farm in Vietnam

The project is reckoned to be one of the largest solar projects where the land has already been handed over to commence the phase 1 of the project. Sunseap International, a subsidiary of Singapore clean energy company Sunseap Group, gets approval for a 168MWp solar farm in Vietnam. The construction of the farm is likely […]

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Metallization Paste for a Constantly Evolving Substrate

Introduction A lot of focus in the Photovoltaics (PV) industry is placed on the performance and reliability of final assembled modules and systems. However, further upstream there are hundreds of critical pieces that need to come together first. With >90% of the world’s installed PV being crystalline silicon-based [1], one of the key components is […]

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