
NHPC Issues Tender For 1082 kW Solar Projects in Himachal Pradesh

The last date for bid submission is (April 12, 2019 – Online) April 15, 2019. NHPC Ltd. has issued a tender for the implementation of rooftop and small solar power plants of a total capacity of 1082.16 kW in NHPC power stations at Chamera-I (155 kW), Chamera-II (230 kW), Parbati-II (500 kW and 125 kW), […]

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Senvion Installs the Tallest Wind Turbine in France

Germany-based Senvion, a leading global manufacturer of onshore and offshore wind turbines, has announced that it has installed the tallest wind turbines in France for BayWa r.e. With a tip height of 200 meters, the Senvion 3.0M122 wind turbines are currently being installed in the wind farm Les Landes, located in the French department of […]

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Telangana Municipal Corporation: No Solar Panels, No New House Permit

In the sort of decisiveness the industry could do within other states, in Telangana, the Municipal Body has made housing permits subject to solar installations. Telangana town municipality in Karimnagar is pulling out all stops to push for Renewable energy in its grid and at the same time finding customers for it. The Municipal Corporation […]

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AfDB Pledges $25 Bn to Climate Finance For 2020-25

Key Bank projects include the co-financing of the 510 MW Ouarzazate Solar Complex in Morocco, one of the largest solar complexes in the world. The African Development Bank will double its climate finance commitments for the period 2020-2025, the Bank’s President announced at the One Planet Summit taking place in Nairobi. Akinwumi A. Adesina said […]

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MERC Approves Grid Connectivity For Isolated 1.36 MW Rooftop Solar Plant

Based on its findings the Commission plans to amend existing regulations/frame new regulations for net metering. The Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) has approved the grid-connectivity requests for a 1.36 MW rooftop solar PV power project by the Supreme Industries Limited. The company had filed a petition regarding the forceful isolation of its 1.36 MW […]

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Researchers Create Hydrogen Fuel From Seawater

A Stanford-led team has developed a way to harness seawater, Earth’s most abundant source, for chemical energy using solar energy. A team of researcher from Stanford University has devised a way to generate hydrogen fuel using solar power, electrodes and saltwater from San Francisco Bay. Their findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy […]

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India Ranks 4th in the World by Wind Energy Capacity

According to a recent report by, India with 35 GW of installed wind capacity is fourth in the list of top 10 countries in the world by wind energy capacity. The report further adds that China, the only other Asian country to make it in the list, topped the chart with 221 GW of […]

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Vestas and Utopus Insights to Pilot Energy Forecasting Solutions For RE Plants in Australia

The pilot program will aim to improve the energy system stability and increasing the potential revenue generation for customers. With the increasing amount of renewable energy in the system, grid operators must address the challenge of balancing supply and demand from intermittent energy generation. One way of meeting this challenge is to use advanced forecasting […]

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Himachal Issues Draft Order on Rooftop Solar Based on Net Metering

HPERC has issued the draft “Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System based on Net Metering) Order, 2019. The Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (HPERC) has issued the draft “Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System based on Net Metering) Order, 2019,” with regulations for installation of […]

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