electricity charges

Vivid Solaire’s Plea to Align LTA with Revised SCOD of Project Shot Down by CERC

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has rejected the petition of Vivid Solaire Energy Private Limited to reconsider Long-Term Access (LTA) to coincide with the revised SCOD of project and waive the transmission charges. In its petition, the Pune-based firm had filed a petition seeking a waiver for the levy of transmission charges by CTUIL […]

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Green Markets: Playing a Pivotal Role in Renewable Energy Integration

The Indian power sector is undergoing a paradigm shift with rapidly increasing renewable capacity addition in the system. Renewable electricity generation has seen over 15 per cent compounded annual growth rate over the last few fiscal years (2016-17 to 2021-22) vis-à-vis a total growth of around 3.5 per cent. The country now boasts of a […]

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How E-Vehicles Are Contributing Towards Sustainable Development

By MS Chugh, Founder and Chairman, Aponyx EV With the rapid growth of environmental pollution and climate change, the need for innovative solutions and technologies has increased in several industries, including the automobile industry, since one of the primary sources of air pollution in cities is vehicle exhaust. The most significant advantage of electric vehicles […]

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CERC Quashes Avaada’s Plea for Extension of LTA Operationalisation Date

The Petitioners, Avaada Energy Private Limited (AEPL) and Avaada Sustainable RJ Project Private Limited (ASRJPPL), Petitioner have filed petitions against Central Transmission Utility of India Limited (CTUIL) to extend the start date of Long Term Access (LTA) granted to AEPL from 23.8.2021 to 12.5.2022. AEPL has stated that as per its letter dated 10.1.2022, it […]

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Apple Makes Clean Energy Charging a Reality

American multinational giant Apple has added a new feature to iOS 16.1-enabled iPhones which will make clean energy charging a reality.  Using this feature will now make it possible for allow users to cut down on their carbon footprint. The new feature of clean energy charging allow a user to charge their phone during low-carbon […]

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Scientists Develop A Wind Harvester That Can Generate Power From Light Breeze

As engineers and scientists worldwide are grinding their brains to develop existing green renewable energy generation or to find new ways to produce green energy, there is a wave of research and innovations worldwide. Riding on one such wave, scientists at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) invented a new device that can harness the wind, as […]

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MERC Directs MSEDCL to Pay Late Payment Surcharge to Wind Generator

In an order that highlighted both the dire straights of MSEDCL and it’s impact on payments to generators, the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) has ordered the state discom MSEDCL to pay late payment charges on its outstandings to a wind power generator TCIL. The discom, in its response to the petitioner had tried to […]

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Fluence, TransnetBW To Build 250 MW Energy Storage System

Fluence Energy GmbH and TransnetBW GmbH have announced that they would deploy the world’s largest battery-based energy storage-as-transmission project. The 250 MW Netzbooster battery-based energy storage system will be located at Kupferzell, a major grid hub in Germany. Fluence said that the project will improve energy security and significantly support Germany’s energy transition pathway by […]

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Hitachi Astemo Builds 3-MW Solar Power Plant in Maharashtra

Japanese automaker Hitachi Astemo has announced that it has installed a ground mounted solar power plant of 3-MW at its manufacturing plant in Jalgaon, Maharashtra. The company said that the solar power plant is built in an area of 43301 sq meters employing 7128 ground mounted solar panels and 10 inverters. The 3-MW Jalgaon solar plant […]

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