electric car batteries

Microsoft Datacenter Batteries To Support Growth Of Renewables On The Power Grid

Global software giant, Microsoft has announced that it will deploy its ‘grid-interactive UPS technology’ at the datacenter maintained by the company in Dublin, Ireland later in 2022. The objective is to demonstrate that these kinds of technologies can help decarbonize power grids across the world. Microsoft holds that the renewable energy from 400 wind farms […]

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IIT Kharagpur Scientists Develop Fast Charging E-Cycle Powered By Na-Ion batteries

Scientists at the IIT Kharagpur have developed sodium-ion batteries and supercapacitors using nanomaterials. The battery can be used in an electric bicycle (E-cycle) and is capable of quick charging. The price of e-cycle will drop dramatically since sodium(Na)-ion batteries are less expensive than lithium-ion batteries. Dr. Amreesh Chandra, a professor in the Department of Physics […]

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EV Batteries in 5% GST Bracket to Support Faster Adoption

The GST rates on lithium-ion battery packs have been reduced by the government from 18 percent to 5 per cent which is the lowest tax category. A statement by the Finance Ministry held, “Electric vehicles, whether or not fitted with a battery pack, are eligible for the concessional GST rate of 5 percent.” This was […]

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Electric Pickup Trucks: Everything That Concerns You

Times are changing, and electric vehicles are inexorably gaining in popularity. Consumers seek an alternative to the high gas prices which is sustainable, and automakers push to reduce private transportation’s dependence on fossil fuels. Electrification of mobility efforts started with hatchbacks, sedans, and even crossover SUVs. The wave finally hit one of the world’s most […]

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Toyota Partners With Redwood Materials For Closed Loop EV Batteries

Toyota Motors has swung into action by driving the future of its electric vehicles (EV) with help from its new partner, a battery recycling startup, Redwood Materials, founded by Tesla Co-founder and former CTO, JB Straubel. The startup will help the Japanese automaker develop a battery supply chain that collects, recycles, refurbishes and remanufactures EV […]

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UK Govt To End Electric Vehicle Subsidy As Demand Rises

The remaining subsidies on the electric cars for the buyers in the United Kingdom are coming to a closure after a reasonable run. The UK government is mulling to do away the benefits of £300 million to purchasers as the demand for electric vehicles is rising. The government says that the funds will then be […]

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Nunam Will Deploy The Used Batteries of Audi In E-Rickshaw

Indo-German startup Nunam has found a way to recycle and use the used batteries of luxury car Audi. A press release by the startup on June 15 claimed that the recycled batteries of Audi will be used as a pilot project in the e-rickshaws already mainstreaming the commuting system for the office goers particularly across […]

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BYD To Start Supply of Batteries to Tesla Soon

In what could be a key moment in the global electric vehicle industry, BYD will be supplying its batteries to the leading electric vehicle seller in the world – Tesla. The China-based company’s senior executive Lian Yubo said during an interview with the state controlled media house that BYD will sell its batteries ‘very soon’ […]

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VRF Batteries Set to Boost Demand For Vanadium Massively

Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries, (VRFB) have definitely brought Vanadium to the centre stage. It is a classified critical raw material in several countries around the world. Back in 2017, the European Commission identified and formally registered vanadium on the 2017 list of Critical Raw Materials for the European Union. Further, the United States, Canada and […]

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