demand flexibility

Importance of Using Storage with Increasing Renewable Energy

Background and Context The Government of India has announced ambitious targets for Renewable Energy (RE) capacity addition, and the Country is rapidly adding Wind and Solar generation in the energy mix. However, there are some well accepted issues associated with RE power – such as intermittency, fluctuations owing to weather changes, and limited forecasting/ scheduling […]

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Average Spot Price Remains at Rs 2.36 Low During Lockdown

The average spot power price has remained as low as Rs 2.36 per unit on the IEX during the lockdown period so far, which began last month The average spot power price has remained as low as Rs 2.36 per unit on the Indian Energy Exchange (IEX) during the lockdown period so far, which began […]

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The Woodmac Weekly Update on Renewable Energy Worldwide

In the third of its weekly updates for the global renewables industry, Wood Mackenzie, the global research firm has shared its report for the week ending April 20. Solar and storage expected to see ~20% coronavirus impact compared to base case. Onshore wind impact is more muted in near-term, but cascading supply chain and construction […]

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Auctions Designed in Innovative Ways Can Help Achieve Specific Country Goals: Sukhwinder Pal Singh

One of the main trends to procure renewables-based electricity at the lowest price -while fulfilling other objectives- is the use of auctions. Auctions designed in innovative ways can help to achieve specific country goals, beyond solely procuring electricity at the lowest price. These goals might include ensuring greater participation of communities or other new and […]

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Flexible Grids key to Meeting Energy Transition Goals in 2020s: WoodMac

In the 2020s, traditional fuel-based generation will shrink as a proportion of the power mix. This will increase the flexibility needs of utility & power markets Over the next decade, traditional fuel-based generation will shrink as a proportion of the power mix. This will increase the flexibility needs of utility and power markets, according to […]

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The Role of AI and ML in Solar Energy

Climate change is one of the biggest threats that humanity is currently facing. With these challenges which lie before the government and various energy solution providers, it has become imperative for them to provide a sustainable mode of renewable energy. This has also made renewable energy to be an alternative source of energy compared to […]

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Backsheets and Beyond- Behind Cybrid Technologies Big Plans

China, the factory for the world is a truism that is particularly evident for the solar sector. Increasingly, we are seeing firms in the sector take the lead in innovations and shaping the future of the sector. It is no wonder that the whole premise of falling solar costs and high efficiencies in the new […]

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AutoGrid, Schneider Electric to Provide Integrated Soln for Digitizing Electric Grid

Flexibility management software provider for the energy industry, AutoGrid has entered into a strategic partnership with Schneider Electric, a specialist in global energy management and automation. The motive behind the deal was to help energy providers integrate customer-owned or -operated flexible distributed energy resources (DERs) into their distribution management operations. The joint solution will integrate […]

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Lighting up India’s hinterland

India has emerged as the fastest growing energy market in the world. Investments in the sector grew at 12 percent last year with spending on renewable energy (RE) exceeding fossil fuel-based power. The country aims at being a power surplus nation and RE can play a big role in the transition. In April 2018, the […]

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