demand and supply

First Utility Scale Storage Project in India Takes Off

The 20MW solar power project is the first utility scale storage tender in India to announce results, and it includes provision of complete EPC and O&M services for twenty-five years. NLC India Limited, a government of India owned coal mining company, recently completed auction for a 20 MW solar project integrated with 28 MWh storage […]

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How Solar Won The Dirty Game?

Who would ever expect a country with generations naively leaned towards fossil fuels and struggling to lighten up their houses will be blessed with solar power. Sounding like intercession, today, a livelihood is well upholstered to arrogate a technology-driven life. Apparently, the black smut coal field where nourishment of human-kind was painted black has open-armed […]

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Let’s Talk Solar Energy Storage Systems

It is now said to be primitive if we sit with a strong brewed coffee and the board directors of green revolutionaries give a throwback on coal and thermal reserves. Without sharing an anecdote, the facts and figures and latest economics of renewables especially solar has tethered traditional energy production. India has one national grid […]

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India-China Tension at border to not affect Solar Sector: Industry

Reports of the border stand-off between India and China continue to hog headlines, one of the concerns raised is whether this would have a bearing on the solar sector in India because local project developers are dependent on solar cells and modules imported from China. As reports of the border stand-off between India and China […]

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VIZ-A-VIZ with S.K Mahajan, Director, IB Solar

Q. Kindly slate on the journey of the company so far. The business was founded in 1992 with a mere capital of Rs. 2000; my father was a retired government officer then. I have 16 years of experience with corporate industry before starting business under the name Integrated Marketing, which became Integrated Batteries India Pvt. Ltd. […]

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SOVA SOLAR Gripping the mainstream of Indian Solar Industry

“ To take our manufacturing excellence to the next level we have completely automated our manufacturing facility in January. This will help us to provide world-class PV modules within a reduced timeline and higher efficiency. We aim to achieve 1 GW manufacturing capacity by 2018. The company has also announced new international EPC venture in […]

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Solar Power Tariffs in India Have Plunged by 73 Percent Since 2010

Since 2010, India’s solar power tariff rate has been reduced to record low, especially in the auction conducted at the Rewa Solar Park. India’s solar sector recently reached record low tariff levels in the auction conducted at the Rewa Solar Park in the state of Madhya Pradesh. India was one of the first countries to […]

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New Power Generation Capacity Could Be All Renewables only after 2023-24: TERI

“The cost of renewable electricity and its storage is on a steady decline and could stabilise at around Rs 5 per KWh. This would enable India to move decisively towards renewables for future generation. What this ,means is that India has a ten-year window where no new investments are likely to be done in coal, […]

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