demand and supply

JinkoSolar and Schneider Electric Donate 55 KW Solar Plant in Egypt

Prior to completion of the project, the only electricity source of the village was three 30 kW diesel generators supplying the village with electricity. JinkoSolar announced its partnership with Schneider Electric to donate a 55 KW off-grid solar project in Abu Redis, South Sinai, Egypt. The remote village called ABU GHURAQD is located about 30 […]

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SPDA Demands Uniform GST Rate of 5%

The total incidence of tax on the SPGS would increase to 8.9 per cent with implementation of the GST Council recommendations. The recently issued sigh of relief from the GST council which recommended 5% GST for almost 70% of solar products has come under ire just a week after GST council issuing its recommendations. The […]

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Shell and EDF Renewables Form JV to Develop Wind Farm

The lease area holds the potential to produce approximately 2,500 MW of wind energy – enough to power close to one million homes. Forming an equal partnership joint venture, EDF Renewables North America and Shell New Energies have joined hands to co-develop wind energy area in New Jersey. The lease area holds the potential to […]

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JA Solar to Supply Mono PERC Modules for 257MW Project in Vietnam

The project is of great importance for the development of the renewable energy market in Vietnam as well as other Southeast Asian countries. Shanghai-based high-performance modules maker JA Solar Holdings has inked a pact with Shanxi Electric Power Engineering Co. (SEPEC) to supply high-efficiency mono PERC modules for a 257MW project in Phu Yen, Vietnam. The project is […]

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Egypt Could Meet Over 50% Electricity Demand via Renewable Energy: IRENA

The Egypt Renewable Energy Outlook report finds that pursuing higher shares of renewable energy could reduce the country’s energy bill by up to USD 900 million annually in 2030. Egypt has the potential to generate up to 53 per cent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030, according to a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). The Egypt Renewable Energy Outlook report finds that pursuing higher shares […]

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Army to Tap Renewables to Supply Power to Jawans Deployed at High Altitudes

The idea is to shift from a conventional source of energy, which is expensive and unreliable due to its transportation and maintenance, to renewable energy. To enhance the living conditions of its personnel, the Indian army is looking for a durable supply of power in high altitudes where they are deployed. The idea is to […]

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Viz-A-Viz with Praveer Sinha CEO and MD, Tata Power Company Ltd

Q. As in recent quarters Tata Power’s renewable portfolio proved to be a boon for the financial health of the company. How do you see the future of the company’s renewable segment in the country in coming years? As Tata Power aims to achieve up to 40% of its generation capacity from non-fossil fuel by […]

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World to Get 50% Electricity from Wind and Solar by 2050, says BNEF Report

“We see $548 billion being invested in battery capacity by 2050, two thirds of that at the grid level and one third installed behind-the-meter by households and businesses,” said Seb Henbest, Head of Europe, Middle East and Africa for BNEF and lead author of NEO 2018. The world will generate half of the power generation […]

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