demand and supply

Renewable PPA’s In Europe Surge 8.1% QoQ

European renewable PPA prices surged 8.1% quarter over quarter and 27.5% year over year, with the crisis in Ukraine the latest development to the deepening energy crisis, according to LevelTen Energy’s European Q1 2022 PPA Price Index, released today. Despite this uncertainty, demand for renewables has remained strong causing a shortage of projects for buyers. The […]

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Clean energy spending has jumped 50% to record levels since Oct end: IEA

Clean energy spending earmarked by governments in response to the Covid-19 crisis has risen by 50% over the past five months and now stands at over USD 710 billion worldwide, though there are troubling imbalances between regions, according to the latest update of the IEA’s Sustainable Recovery Tracker. This unprecedented amount of enacted spending is […]

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Polysilicon Prices Rising Steadily in China, Will Continue in April too: Silicon China

The prices of raw silicon materials are on an unabated rise in China, signifying that the solar power projects across the world will be impacted as the solar PV manufacturing is getting dearer. Industry body Silicon China has released the latest silicon materials’ transaction prices. Silicon China is a part of China Nonferrous Metal Industry […]

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In Conversation with Nitin Gupta, Co-Founder, Attero Recycling

As the EV transition picks up pace, India’s progress will depend on the availability of Lithium-Ion batteries, and their cost. It’s a challenge for a country wholly dependent on imports for now, a dependence as crippling as our dependence on oil imports. Alive to the challange, the government floated a PLI scheme for battery manufacturing, […]

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Oman’s 25 GW RE Project To Become Future Ready

An international consortium is developing a 25GW renewable project in Oman to produce 1.8 millions of tons per annum of green hydrogen and up to 10 million tons per annum of green ammonia by 2030 to make the Middle Eastern country a leading player in truly zero carbon fuels. The consortium — comprised of OQ […]

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‘Now or never’ to avoid climate catastrophe, warns UN Panel

UN climate experts said Monday that humanity has less than three years to halt the rise of planet-warming carbon emissions and less than a decade to slash them by nearly half. They warned that the world faced a last-gasp race to ensure a “liveable future”. That daunting task is still — only just — possible, […]

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