day ahead market

Old King Coal is Dead – Long Live The King

Coal is the dominant source of energy in India because it’s locally available and has historically been quite cheap, more so because there hasn’t been aggressive regulation or taxation upon its externalities yet. However, future coal will look different than older coal because it will have to be more sustainable and also cost-effective. Renewable energy […]

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“Esdec Is Still An Installer Focused Company”, Stijn Vos, CEO

Ever since it was started in 2004 by two installers, the Netherlands based Esdec has carved a unique niche for itself, focusing on the rooftop solar segment with their mounting systems. The firm has been in the news earlier last year  for its acquisition led strategy, especially in the US market. With a focus on […]

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RK Singh Launches GTAM; Will Benefit Buyers of Renewable Energy

As a first step towards greening the Indian short term power market, RK Singh has launched pan-India Green Term Ahead Market (GTAM) in electricity. As a first step towards greening the Indian short term power market, Union Minister of State (IC) Power and New & Renewable Energy, RK Singh has launched pan-India Green Term Ahead […]

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Solar by far the Leading Power Generating Tech Installed in 2019: BNEF

A new report has revealed that solar PV dominated as the main new power-generating technology source added to grids around the world in 2019. A new report has revealed that solar photovoltaics (PV) dominated as the main new power-generating technology source added to grids in dozens of countries ranging from Australia, to India, Italy, Namibia, […]

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The Triple Challenge Dragging Down Solar In India

On August 21, the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), the premier national body tasked with laying down the roadmap to power for all citizens, and the policy interventions to get there, released a report on India’s solar and wind sector. Titled simply as “ Report of Under Construction Renewable Energy Projects”, the bland title laid bare […]

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Amplus Achieves First Successful Solar Trade on GTAM

On August 20th, three days after the launch of India’s first ever Green Term-Ahead Market (GTAM) at the Indian Energy Exchange (IEX), Amplus Solar sold solar electricity on the exchange, becoming the first solar generator to trade on GTAM.  IEX had launched the GTAM on its power trading platform after receiving approval from the CERC […]

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IEX Launches GTAM

CERC has Accorded Approval The Indian Energy Exchange (IEX) launched the Green Term-Ahead Market (GTAM) on its power trading platform after receiving approval from the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC). CERC accorded its approval through an order dated August 17, 2020. The IEX had filed a petition with the CERC regarding the same in 2018; […]

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CERC Grants Approval for Third Power Exchange in India

CERC has approved Pranurja Solutions, promoted by BSE, PTC Ltd and ICICI Bank, to establish what will become the third power exchange in India The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has approved the petition filed by Pranurja Solutions Ltd, a company promoted by BSE, PTC Ltd and ICICI Bank, to establish what will become the […]

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