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SunPowers four-megawatt solar power system is under construction at CSUF

SunPower has announced that construction is underway on a four-megawatt SunPower solar power system at California State University, Fullerton (CSUF)s three parking areas. The university will purchase the solar power from solar power system under a PPA that offers competitive rates. According to CSUF this will enable the university to offset over one-third of their peak electrical []

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30 percent of 472 villages electrified this month are off-grid

According to the Rural Electrification Corporation (REC), electrification of 472 villages was completed this month (6june-28june) and about 142 of them got an off-grid connection. Solar PV has remained the most deployed off-grid connection in the country, with total installed capacity of 7.5GW as of May 2016. Nine out of eleven projects sanctioned under renewable []

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SolarCity announces Special Committee for Tesla Deal

Just after the American electric car maker, Tesla proposed an acquisition deal with SolarCity the solar panel manufacturer company has recently formed a special committee of just two directors to evaluate Tesla Motors $2.8 billion acquisition deal. SolarCity independent directors Donald Kendall and Nancy Pfund will serve on the committee. Kendall is the chief []

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SunPower sets a new solar power panel efficiency record of 24.1 percent

SunPower has set a new solar power panel efficiency record of 24.1 percent, surpassing the previous world record for the highest efficiency of a solar panel using silicon cells. Early this year SunPower achieved 22.8 percent efficiency for its X-Series solar panel. With greater efficiency, we can fit more watts on the roof with the outstanding []

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New architecture to produce an affordable solar cell

Researchers have developed new architecture that can produce an affordable solar cell with efficiencies comparable to conventional silicon solar cells and takes very few processing steps. The new architecture uses unconventional, transparent materials that can be placed at room temperature the process is currently used to increase the electrical conductivity of key surfaces in []

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NHPC planning to set up 600MW solar project at Koyna dam in Maharashtra

National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) as part of an initiative to expand its solar portfolio is reportedly planning to set a 600-MW solar project at the Koyna dam in Maharashtra. NHPC is carrying out financial and feasibility study for the project. The company t plans to set up floating solar panels with pumped storage system []

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Telangana Solar Energy Policy

Telangana Solar Energy Policy Updates 2017 In order meet the states rooftop solar target of 2,000 MW by 2022, the state government of Telangana will allow equated monthly instalments (EMI) base rooftop installation program for individual consumers prior being served to government employees in the state. Telangana has a vast solar potential with average insolation []

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Solar Park in India: Scope, Status, Achievement, and Challenges

India, with its large population and rapidly growing economy, needs access to clean, cheap and reliable sources of energy.  The government with the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission has been promoting ecologically sustainable growth while addressing Indias energy security challenge. The Government of Indias ambitious plan to add 100 GW of solar capacity by 2022 []

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It is not a cup of tea for any manufacturers to produce an inverter which can run for decades without problem Luke Lu, Director for Indian Business, Sungrow

A number of companies are integrating photovoltaic inverter and storage technologies. How its cost implication compared to the output efficiency is affecting a change in various types of installations? Inverter is the heart of any solar PV system. It is highly a technology oriented product. It certainly needs an expertise to produce a highly efficient []

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