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Sungrow to showcase string and central inverters at SEUK & Clean Energy Live 2016 and IGEM 2016

Sungrow has announced that it will present string inverters SG36KTL-M and new SG60KTL as well as the central inverter SG2000-MV at SEUK & Clean Energy Live 2016 (Birmingham, Booth: C34). The company will also showcase its new string inverter SG60KTL and the central inverter SG2500-MV at IGEM (International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference []

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MNRE Inviting Comments on National Lab Policy for Renewable Energy Sector

Early this year in July the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) started marking the final seal on a national lab policy to set norms for standardization, testing and certification of renewable energy related products in India, and also define the infrastructure required for the testing centres. We reported that the draft policy document []

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KSEB commissions 1.25 MW solar power project at Edayar

The successful commissioning of Cochin International Airport Limited (CIAL) in generating enough solar power to operate the airport, the Kerala State Electricity Boards (KSEB) solar power project on the campus of the 110 KV substation at Edayar is in the verge of scripting a new saga. Edayars 1.25 MW solar power project is amongst the []

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Canadian Solar and Recurrent Energy announces a 15-year PPA for 100 MW of solar power in California

Canadian Solar and Recurrent Energy announced a 15-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for 100 MWac of solar power in California with MCE. Power from the Recurrent Energy-developed 8 solar project, located in Fresno County, California, will supply MCE with 100 MWac of clean solar electricity, which according to the company is enough to power 48,300 []

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BioSolar initiates development of high energy anode for current and next Gen lithium batteries

BioSolar has announced that it has started a new program for the development of a high energy anode for current and next generation lithium batteries. While this anode is an independent technology; the Company will seek synergies with the Super Cathode technology it has been developing. BioSolars cathode technology, which had been the primary focus []

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Indian State of Odisha plans to implement roof-top solar plants in major cities

The Odisha government will be implementing the installation of roof-top solar projects across all major cities in the state. Energy Minister Pranab Prakash Das stated in assembly while replying to a written question that the Green Energy Development Corporation of Odisha Limited (GEDCOL) will be implementing the project in major cities of the state. The []

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