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Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2017 road show held in China

The government of Gujarat which is a favorite destination for Chinese investors, held a road show here inviting them to take part in the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit to be held early next year. A delegation of Gujarat government officials and industrialists led by Sanjay Prasad, Principal Secretary, Agriculture and Cooperation, made presentations about the []

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Tesla to team up with Panasonic to collaborate on manufacturing of photovoltaic cell and module production

Tesla and Panasonic have entered into a non-binding letter of intent under which they will begin collaborating on the manufacturing and production of photovoltaic (PV) cells and modules in Buffalo, New York. Under this agreement, which is contingent upon shareholders approval of Teslas acquisition of SolarCity, Tesla will use the cells and modules in a []

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Government of India plans to set up solar park in Marathwada

Union Minister of State for Power, Piyush Goyal has said that the Government of India seems quite keen to set up a solar power park in Marathwada if the Maharashtra authorities provide land for it. Stating that the region could be ideal for generating good amount of solar energy, Piyush Goyal stated that government firms []

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Indias solar modules and cells export worth $41 million was up 116 percent in April-July 2016

Global clean energy communications and research firm, Mercom Capital both exports and imports of solar modules and cells have increased dramatically year on year. The research firm in its latest report revealed that India exported solar modules and cells worth $41 million (Rs.2.74 billion) from April to July 2016, which was up 116 percent from []

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Visakhapatnam Port Trust planning another 5MW solar plant

Visakhapatnam Port Trust is planning to set up a new 5 MW solar power plant as part of its efforts to conserve energy in addition to its existing 10 MW solar project which is under construction. The construction at VPTs 5 MW solar project is expected to begin in the new fiscal year. VPT chairman []

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International Solar Alliance to get ratified at forthcoming COP22

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) announced at the climate conference in Paris (COP21), will be ratified at the forthcoming COP22 in Marrakech in November. The ISA s objective is to bring together solar rich countries on a common platform to make joint efforts through innovative policies, projects, programmes, capacity building measures and financial instruments to []

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Southwire announces the launch of sunlight resistant PV cables

Southwire has announced the launch of Super Sunlight Resistant SSR photovoltaic (PV) cable that provides enhanced jacket protection on above ground solar installations. With a strong commitment to innovation and sustainability, Southwire developed an answer to customer needs for enhanced UV protection PV wire slated for solar installations above ground.  Southwires newly-introduced Super Sunlight []

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