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Telanganas total solar power generation capacity touches 3800 MW

Telangana has so far commissioned 3800 MW of solar power and 100 MW of wind power. The State has so far commissioned 3,800 MW of solar power. The solar policy of the state has been widely received and there was tremendous response to the tenders floated for 2500 MW solar power. So far, 100 MW []

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AIGCC welcomes ratification of the Paris Agreement

The Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) welcomes recent announcements that Japan, Korea and Australia have ratified the Paris Agreement. Speaking on behalf of AIGCC, Emma Herd, Chief Executive Officer of Investor Group on said Investors strongly endorse the Paris Agreement and welcome todays decision by these governments to ratify the Paris Agreement. He []

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Beyond Silicon: ground-breaking research areas that chuck the Semiconductor

One of the research areas of applied science that has seen a lot of promising ideas go down dwindling (and take companies with them) is that of solar photovoltaic cells. But like Edison said, the most certain way to succeed is to try, one more time. New materials are competing silicon based cells with a []

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1 MW of solar plant at Karnatakas NIT to get commissioned

The National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NIT-K) at Surathkal has emerged the front-runner among 31 NITs in the country to have a roof-top solar-power project with an installed capacity of 1 MW. The 1-MW of solar project on the roof of 11 buildings will be formally commissioned on 12th November 2016. K.N. Lokesh, Director []

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ReneSola to sell 26MW of Solar Projects in the UK to a European investor

ReneSola Ltd has announced that it has signed agreements to sell its six utility-scale projects in the United Kingdom to a European investor. These projects have a combined capacity of approximately 26 MW. The six utility-scale projects powered by companys Virtus II modules are located in Carlam Hill Farm, North Wales, and Monmouthshire. All of []

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Hanwha Q Cells to ship 141MW of Solar Modules to Mahindra Group

Hanwha Q Cells has announced that it has signed an agreement with Mahindra Susten Pvt. Ltd. to supply 141 megawatt solar photovoltaic module. Hanwha Q Cells will ship HSL72 modules, which are produced in companys production facility in China to the newly established renewable energy arm of the Indias sixth largest conglomerate Mahindra Group. The []

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India speeds up the installation of canal solar program

With 11 MW of grid-connected solar PV on canal banks and canal tops has now been commissioned, India is all set to achieve its target of canal solar program. The Mercom Capital research shows that 1965 MW of a targeted 12000 MW of solar has been commissioned in India so far this financial year, leading []

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