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LONGi Green Energy Technologys Revenue Nearly Doubled in 2016

LONGi Green Energy Technologys noticeable improvement in performance is due to the companys successful effort in breaking free from traditional business model of relying solely on solar wafer, and adding module business to drive revenue growth said the company LONGi Green Energys 2016 financial results show that the company posted RMB11.531 billion in revenue, an []

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Government introduces Solar Power Scheme to Promote Powerloom Sector

The textile ministry has formulated a Solar Energy Scheme for the promotion of powerloom sector to make use of solar power. Government has framed a new Solar Energy Scheme to provide financial assistance/capital subsidy to small powerloom units, for installation of Solar Power Plant, in order to alleviate the problem of power cut/ shortage faced []

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Waaree Energies to raise $100 million: Report

Waaree Energies has been looking to raise funds. EY Advisory, Auditing & Business Consulting Firm is running the process Indias one of the largest module manufacturer, Waaree Energies has reportedly appointed EY Advisory, Auditing & Business Consulting Firm to raise a fund of USD 100 million. A close source to the company speaking to []

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Sungrow Showcases New Energy Storage System Solutions at Energy Storage Europe in Germany

Sungrow will continue to develop energy storage system solutions, so that we can help power the world on green and effective electricity Sungrow showcased its energy storage system solutions for residential, commercial, and utility-scale applications at Energy Storage Europe in Germany. The new residential product features a lightweight turnkey design, making installation much faster. Also, []

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ET Energy Starts Construction of a 60.9MW Solar Power Project in Jordan

The 60.9 MW solar power installation is located 50Km north-east of Amman in Mafraq, Jordan, and will be one of the largest 1500VDC PV plants in Europe, the Middle East and Africa after completion. ET Solutions AG, a subsidiary of ET Energy, a global leading energy solutions provider, announced that it has started the construction []

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Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL) to add 1 MW of rooftop solar power: Report

IOCL has a captive solar power project with a capacity of 4 MW at its Cauvery Basin Marketing Terminal in Muttam, in Nagapattinam district The oil major, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL) is reportedly gearing up to add 1 MW of rooftop solar power in Chennai in order reduce its carbon footprint. IOCL has a []

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Samsung SDI Launches New Lineup of ESS Batteries at Energy Storage Europe 2017

The common feature of Samsung SDIs E2 and P3 Batteries is that their energy density is improved by increasing capacity while retaining the size of previous ESS containers. Samsung SDI launched new lineup of its comprehensive ESS solutions at the Energy Storage Europe 2017, an international exhibition dedicated to ESS batteries and renewable energies. The []

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Neoen Signs PPA for 54MW Solar Power Project in Zambia

The 54 MW PPA has won by a consortium of Neoen and First Solar for the development of solar power project in Zambia. French solar power developer Neoen has announced that it has signed off on a power purchase agreement (PPA) for a 54MW solar PV project in Zambia. Neoen signed off on the PPA []

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SECI inviting tenders for Empanelment of Experts for Third Party Inspection of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar PV systems

The tenure of empanelment of Experts for Third Party Inspection of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar PV systems shall be two years from the date of empanelment letter issued by Solar Energy Corporation of India. Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI) inviting  Bids/Price Proposal  from the eligible Bidders, Consultants, Agencies, Experts to participate in the []

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