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Tata Power Solar Revenue Doubles to Rs 2262 Crore in 2 Years

Tata Power Solar has ramped up its business by focusing on building state of art technology, engineering and strengthening on customer & employee satisfaction. Tata Power Solar has announced that its revenue has increased by more than 2.5 times in just two years to reach Rs 2,262 crore. The company said it has ramped up []

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PM Modi Begins Four-Nation Tour, clean energy among others on future roadmap of cooperation

Modi said he and Merkel will chart out a future roadmap of cooperation with focus on trade and investment, security and counter-terrorism, innovation and science and technology, skill development, urban infrastructure, railways and civil aviation, clean energy, development cooperation, health and alternative medicine. PM Narendra Modi begins his four-nation tour of Germany, Spain, Russia and []

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As the world moves towards the sustainable development, India looks to optimize its energy mix with minimum carbon footprints. India is in the midst of a momentous leap in terms of the proposed use of solar power as part of its overall renewable energy mix. India with its 100GW of solar energy target by 2022 is []

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Solar Power Juggernaut Will Keep Rolling Despite Higher Taxes Under GST

According to a list of 1,211 items released after the meeting of the GST Council, which comprises finance ministers of all the states of the Union, Photosensitive semiconductor devices; including solar photovoltaic cells, whether or not assembled in modules or made up into panels, will be charged at a rate of 18 Goods and Services []

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Bengaluru International Airport Partners with Bosch India to Generate Solar Power for its Operations

With solar power usage, Bengaluru International Airport is expected to help reduce CO2 emissions by 3625 tonnes per annum. Bosch Limited, a leading supplier of technology and services, has commissioned two solar power projects for the Bengaluru International Airport Limited (BIAL) the first project of 440kW has been installed in the car park area in []

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Ezon Energy Forms a Joint Venture with Arcor to Develop 1GW Solar Power Project in India

The joint venture is expected to see $1 billion (~Rs.65 billion) invested in solar power project, though the ratio is confidential. However, the equity holding will depend upon the project and capability to infuse equity in each project on a standalone basis. Coimbatore-based startup Ezon Energy Solutions has formed a strategic joint venture for Indian []

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ISA can act as a medium to achieve universal energy access target set up before 2030: Piyush Goyal

Piyush Goyal also said that Scaling Solar MiniGrids shall work in tandem with ISAs over all objectives and already existing two programmes, namely Scaling Solar Applications for Agricultural Use and Affordable Finance at Scale launched on 22nd April, 2016. Minister of State (IC) for Power, Coal, Mines and New & Renewable Energy, Piyush Goyal, at []

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CleanMax Solar signs MoU with Hitachi High-Tech to jointly offer high-end rooftop solar solutions

CleanMax Solar and Hitachi High-Tech aims to enable Japanese corporates in India to adopt green energy practices by providing them solar power in a low-risk, economical and reliable manner Energy solutions provider CleanMax Solar has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation (Hitachi High-Tech) to jointly offer high-end rooftop solar solutions to []

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