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NEXTracker Achieves 1 GW of Solar Tracker Sales in India

NEXTrackers projects commissioned or under construction with Sterling & Wilson, Adani Green Energy, SkyPower, CleanMax Solar, Suzlon, and ReNew Power are milestones that demonstrate the rapidly growing adoption of solar trackers in India. NEXTracker has announced that it has sold over 1 gigawatt (GW) of solar trackers to utility-scale power plants in India. This achievement []

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U.S. Energy Secretary Challenges China to be Real Leader On Climate Issues

President Donald Trumps decision last week to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate agreement has sparked speculation that he is creating a leadership void that China could fill. U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry said Monday that he hopes China will step forward to be a real leader on climate issues, while refuting criticism []

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Ujaas Energy to Develop 15 MW Solar Power Project for HAL in Maharashtra

Ujaas Energy will design, engineer, manufacture, procurement, supply, construction, erection, testing and commission the 15 solar power project in HAL Ojhar Township, Nashik. The Indore based EPC firm, Ujaas Energy has secured a 15 MW ground-mounted solar power project for Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL). The project will be developed on turnkey basis at the at []

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Unused Green Energy Tests Chinas Energy Leadership

Increasing amounts of that green energy have gone unused as China struggles to integrate wind and solar farms into an outdated and balkanized electricity network dominated by coal. Chinas scramble to curb pollution has made it the world leader in renewable energy development, yet increasing amounts of that green energy have gone unused as the []

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Solar Irrigating: Farmers not only selling excess power but also saving ground water

Solar Pump Irrigators Cooperative Enterprise (SPICE), which began operating in May 2016, not only made a switch from diesel to solar pumps but also adopted net metering selling excess power to the local electricity utility. Phodabhai Parmar, a 72-year-old farmer, sits on a charpai sipping tea as solar panels gleam in the fields behind []

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Submitting Forecast & Schedule of Solar Power generation : Communication with SLDC

A forecast model of solar power generation can be viewed as probabilistic evolution to generate different plausible patterns considering the unscheduled fluctuations The demand of energy has multiplied manifold due to socio-economic development and this demand can be no longer satisfied by the traditional energy technology using local resources only. Hence the renewable energy is []

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