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Aurora Solar Introduces Financial Analysis to Solar Design and Sales Platform

Auroras commercial financial analysis allows installers to compare the returns of any cash, lease, loan, or PPA financing option. Aurora Solar Inc. has added financial analysis to its commercial suite. The company it touting it as industrys only all-in-one solar design and sales platform for residential and commercial PV systems. Al-Karim Lalani, Lead Engineer of []

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NIIF Ready to Provide Last Mile Funding to Stressed Projects

The government will set up two sub-funds under the NIIF -one in clean energy fund, which will primarily focus on renewable energy and another with focus on highway projects. The National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF) is ready to provide last mile funding to stressed projects funded by banks. The issue of funding from NIIF []

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Sungrow PV and Energy Storage Equipment Powers Five Maldivian Islands

The 2.7 MWp of solar and 700 kW / 333 kWh energy storage project, for which Sungrow has supplied the entire PV and energy storage system solution, including PV inverters, storage inverters, the energy management system, and Li-ion batteries by the Sungrow-Samsung SDI joint venture Sungrow has announced that it has installed PV and energy []

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Haryana to Grant Additional FAR for Projects with Solar Power, Waste Plant

The state government has made a provision in the Haryana Building Code 2017 to grant of benefit of additional FAR in case the applicant proposes to install solar photovoltaic power plant (SPPP) and solid waste management plant (SWMP). The Haryana government will grant additional floor area ratio (FAR) to builders who install solar units and []

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Vikram Solar hits 1GW solar module production capacity milestone

Vikram Solar is planning to further increase the solar module production capacity to 2 GW by 2020. Indian solar module manufacturing giant Vikram Solar has announced that it has reached 1 gigawatt production capacity milestone. In doing so, the company is contributing to the Indian governments target of reaching 100 GW of installed solar energy []

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Finnish Demo Plant Uses Carbon Dioxide to Produce Renewable Fuels and Chemicals

The Finnish demo plant comprises four separate units: a solar power plant; equipment for separating carbon dioxide and water from the air; a section that uses electrolysis to produce hydrogen; and synthesis equipment for producing a crude-oil substitute from carbon dioxide and hydrogen. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) []

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Largest Floating Solar Farm Reflects Chinas Clean Energy Ambitions

Chinas clean energy ambitions were being reflected in the launch of the worlds largest floating solar farm. The 40-megawatt power plant has 160,000 panels resting on a lake that emerged after the collapse of a coal mine in central Anhui province.  As the United States was withdrawing from the Paris climate pact, Chinas clean energy []

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NISE to Conduct One Day Workshop on Prospects for Start-ups in Solar Energy Technologies

National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) is organizing 6th One Day Workshop on Prospects for Start-ups in Solar Energy Technologies on 21st June 2017, at NISE campus Gurugram. In line with the Start up India Initiative by the Govt of India, the workshop has been specifically designed for existing and prospective Solar Entrepreneurs, EPC contractors, []

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