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Solar Power to Get Cheaper than Electricity Grid for Residential Sector in Next Two Years

solar energy in India has already reached grid parity in commercial, industrial and utility sectors, and soon solar power would be achieved in residential sector as well. In the next two years, solar power will be cheaper than the electricity grid in the residential sector, says solar energy provider SunSource Energy which has successfully implemented []

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Buy Abroad Diktat Doesnt Worry Indias Solar Sector

India has to make suitable policy changes to protect its fledgling solar manufacturing sector from foreign competition. India has to make suitable policy changes by December this year to remove measures it had undertaken to protect its fledgling solar manufacturing sector from foreign competition, according to a recent notice issued by the Dispute Settlement Body []

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Jakson Group to Set Up New Manufacturing Solar Power Plant in Guajart

Jakson Group will invest Rs 700 Crore in a new production plant for solar power modules in Gujarat that will have a capacity of 1,000 MW of solar modules and 250 MW of solar cells in three years. At a time when most domestic solar manufacturers are struggling with idle capacity in the face of []

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OG&E and SunPower Announce 10-Megawatt Solar Plant in Oklahoma

SunPower will design and build a SunPower Oasis Power Plant system at the Covington site, while OG&E will own the renewable energy credits associated with the system. OGE Energy Corp. electric utility subsidiary Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company (OG&E) and SunPower Corp. has announced that two companies have signed a contract to build a 10-megawatt []

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Finlands Taaleri Mulling to Acquire Solar Power Projects in India

Taaleri is actively looking for acquiring solar power projects in India. The wealth management and financing company will utilize its Solar Wind fund to invest internationally in renewable energy Indias solar low-tariff is marking a significant global approach as more international companies are eyeing towards Indias solar market. Now a Finland wealth management and financing []

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Cant Stop, Wont Stop: Chinas Photovoltaic Cell Production to Exceed 60GW

China Photovoltaic Industry Association Secretary-General Wang Bohua expects that Photovoltaic Cell Production will exceed 60GW in 2017 despite complex international trade environment and other challenges. It is worth taking a minute to appreciate to have a high opinion of what China is doing in solar right now. China, already known for its iconic Great Wall []

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University of Virginia, Dominion Energy and Coronal Energy Announce Ambitious Solar PV Project

As part of a 25-year agreement, the University of Virginia will purchase the entire output of a proposed solar PV project. Coronal Energy will develop the project, while Dominion Energy will construct and own the installation. The University of Virginia continues to expand its portfolio of carbon-free generation and achieve key sustainability targets with another []

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PPAs signed for first Wind Auction totalling 1050 MW

Union Minister of State (IC) for Power, Coal, New & Renewable Energy and Mines, Shri Piyush Goyal presided over the signing of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for purchase of 1050 MW of wind power under Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)s first Wind Auction Scheme here today. The PPAs were signed between PTC India []

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Centre to Notify Guidelines for Renewable Power Procurement

Until the guidelines are drafted, the till then projects will be set up under existing provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003 under section 62 wherein the State Regulatory Commission is to be approached for fixation of tariff. The Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has clarified that a guideline for procurement of renewable power []

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