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PM Modi launches Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana Saubhagya

The solar power packs of 200 to 300 Wp with battery bank for un-electrified households located in remote and inaccessible areas, comprises of Five LED lights, One DC fan, One DC power plug. It also includes the Repair and Maintenance (R&M) for 5 years. PM Narendra Modi has launched a new scheme Pradhan Mantri Sahaj []

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Dr. Rahul Walawalkar receives Renewable Energy India Award

Dr. Rahul Walawalkar was selected by eminent Jury in the category of Leading Crusader for Energy Storage Solutions. Dr. Rahul Walawalkar, Executive Director of India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) and President & MD of Customized Energy Solutions (India) has received the Renewable Energy India (REI) award in the category of Leading Crusader for Energy Storage []

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Fonrich Shined at REI Expo with PV Power Optimizer and Intelligent SMU

Fonrich New Energy shined at Renewable Energy India Expo with its advanced PV Power Optimizer and Intelligent String Monitoring Unit. Fonrich New Energy, a leading solar power company located in Shanghai, China, has entered the Indian solar market with its smart generation and intelligent O&M solution for both rooftop and megawatts projects. Its the first []

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Enel Commissions Largest Solar Project in South America

Enel has commissioned two solar plants that include the 254 MW and the 292 MW located respectively at Ituverava and Nova Olinda solar parks. Italian developer Enels subsidiary Enel Green Power Brasil Participações (EGPB) announced the operation of two solar power plants located in Brazil with an aggregate capacity of 546 megawatts. The two solar []

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Simulations Pinpoint Atomic-level Defects in Solar Cell Nanostructures

To understand the nature of something extremely complex, you often have to study its smallest parts. In trying to decipher the universe, for example, we search for gravitational waves or faint waves of light from the Big Bang. And to comprehend the very essence of matter itself, we break it down to the subatomic level []

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Solar Advisory Gensol Launches Solar Online Platform Ezybidding, Ezybox

Gensol has launched Ezybidding, which is an online reverse auction based platform for solar equipment installers and has also unveiled Ezybox, a plug and play solar generator that can be installed on any kind of roof or terrain and can be conveniently customized. Solar advisory firm Gensol Group has launched its first online marketplace Ezybidding, []

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As a result of the sun rush in US and China the amount of solar power added world-wide soared by some 50% last year. The New solar PV capacity installed in 2016 reached more than 76GW which is a dramatic increase on the 50GW installed the year before. According to data compiled by Europes solar []

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