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Canadian Solar Bags 112 MWp Solar Power Project in Brazil

Canadian Solar will develop and build the project in Pernambuco state. The company will start the construction in 2020 and the project is expected to reach commercial operation before January 2021. Canadian Solar, one of the worlds largest solar power companies, has won a 112 MWp solar photovoltaic (PV) project in Brazil during the countrys []

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EIB Invests $150m to Fund Clean Energy Projects in Peru

The two projects are expected to be operational in the first six months of 2018 and will have a total installed capacity of 312MW The European Investment Bank (EIB) is going to invest $150m to the development and operation of a windfarm and photovoltaic (PV) solarpower project in Peru, a country in western South America. []

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China is Building a Solar Power Highway That Can Charge Electric Cars

The solar power highway is expected to produce 280 MWh of electricity a year enough to power the villages street lights. China is building a 2 km stretch of solar highway that will be able to generate electricity from sunlight. The two-kilometre-long highway located in Jinan could charge electric cars as they are travelling []

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Jipmer to Set-Up a 1,500KW Rooftop Solar Power Plant

All the solar panels will be installed at the institutes rooftops.  Jipmers standing finance committee has also given the green signal to the project. S C Parija, director, Jawaharlal institute of postgraduate medical education and research (Jipmer) announced of setting up of a 1,500 KW rooftop solar power plant costing at Rs 7.63 crore by []

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Government Proposes Rs 23,450 Crore Rooftop Solar Scheme

The scheme will integrate discoms as an implementing agency in the second phase of the rooftop solar scheme. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has prepared a concept note on Sustainable Rooftop Implementation for Solar Transfiguration of India (SRISTI) to the tune of Rs 23,450 crore to state power distribution companies, or discoms, []

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PROINSO to Add Trojan Battery Products to Its Mini-Grid and Micro-Grid Solutions

PROINSO will supply the full range of Trojan batteries through its 20+ representative sales offices. UK based solar energy firm PROINSO has announced that it will distribute deep-cycle batteries from Trojan Battery Co., LLC. PROINSOs continued focus on the micro-grid and mini-grid sectors is further evidenced by its distribution of Trojan Battery products. PROINSO will []

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US Takes India Back To World Trade Organisation in Solar Power Issue

In 2013, Washington had complained to the WTO, claiming that US exports of solar items to India had declined by 90% since 2011 because of Indias discriminatory practices. India has failed to comply with a World Trade Organization ruling on solar power, the United States will tell the WTOs dispute settlement body (DSB) next month, []

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